
That confused me too. About halfway through I had to go back and re-read the article because I thought it was about a BEV.

I’m not sure she deserves that much credit. She’s using him and playing him, sure, but he’s allowing it, coming back for more, and not even mad though he sees her doing it. Any middle schooler could win that game. Also: nothing crazy about it. All she has to do is send a one word text and he comes running over to pour

I got one when I bought a full size metal sword and checked it in my luggage. This is allowed but it was a really cool sword so of course they had to check it out. I had also wrapped the box in black trash bags and an entire roll of duct tape in order to maximize my entertainment imagining them trying to open it.

Starred for owning a Ralliart. My gf has one and refuses to sell it. Really great car.

Oh baby you..  You got what I need...

I love driving Hyundais and Kias as rentals. They’re just more fun than other options. I never expected to say that but it's been true for a while now. So I could totally see enjoying the ownership experience too.

That... looks rather impressive for a mobile game.

Yep. I happily trade the ability to see through other vehicles for the ability to dodge them and stop shorter than them. Low CG, controlled suspension, and lots of grip and brakes for me, thanks.

You guys just hit the main points directly. I’ve watched my gf get in her SUV and complain about how it handles, then drive her sedan and hate not being able to see over the tall boxes ahead of her. My elderly parents went to SUVs for ease of ingress/egress (no bending down to get in or struggling to stand up to get

So you're saying the Prez is good for weight loss?

There’s always a few of us still working. I depart anywhere between 7-10pm, mostly to avoid traffic and keep up with my work.

I’ve also noticed this, but I like it. Mazda has really nailed exterior and interior design lately. It’s too bad they refuse to do anything about performance or quality...

It’s astonishing how ugly these trucks are. Not to mention the wheel gap on the Z71. Chevrolet has figured out how to make the Lexus grille look stylish.

I’m mostly just amused that they coded around FB’s monitoring to redirect it to blogs. Maybe a certain tech blog site we know should bribe these Ads Inc geniuses to redirect FB to their sites instead. Automated monitoring still counts as clicks, right?

My hard drive broke. Thus I’m currently unable to join you in complaining, though my One X did seem awfully slow at loading stuff before dying.

My Xbox allows that...

Ah, Fry’s. Not sure how it’s still around, but I’m happy about it.

Apparently this car will have a 12,000rpm V12, so the joke is that Ferrari engines can only rev to 9,500. This becomes important toward the end of a really awesome movie in theaters now.

Nobody else said it, so I will. Does this mean that if I add a diffuser to my car it will shorten my braking distance? Asking for a friend. 

This is an interesting riddle for me. My gut reaction to your post was to think that I’d much rather have a Lotus Evija than this. But then I got to thinking about riding around in silence vs having a bazillion rpm NA V12 to listen to. And now I’ve realized that I’d pick the V12.