
“right wing talking points, arguments that we put to bed back in the 90s” - these are things that Trump does on Thursdays.

Wow. Thanks Jason. I had apparently been spending the last 8+ years having blissful forgotten who Jack Thompson was. Seriously, I was like “why does this name sound familiar?” and went to google and subsequently said aloud, “Oh, that asshole.”

I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.

As much as I’d love for Hogg or any of the other survivors to go on Jones’s show and embarass him, I know it would really just be Jones screaming at the kids & going “Nah nah nah” with his fingers in his ears.

Also it’s not like The Communist Manifesto is relevant to any subject like say Economics, History, Sociology, Politics, Public Speaking or a hundred other courses.

“Please and thank you”

Thoughts and prayers

1: Poe’s Law says (roughly) that in written form it’s difficult knowing whether someone is stating truly held extremist opinions or is merely being sarcastic.

its an open world rpg-ish game. its the elder squirrels.

God the casual socializing known as “brainstorming.” Why are you in my office again Roger?

Every idiot who says that they hate drama is always the catalyst for drama.

Only a matter of time till shooting drills are added to school routine just like fire drills.

or the feathers in the very first Assassins Creed

Disagree, they need to learn how to fight back. Look at the blueprint the GOP created. Make demands, and if you don’t get what you want refuse to do anything.

If you haven’t heard this, you’ll enjoy it muchly.

Sex does indeed sell and, from the article re Amouranth:

“This article basically seems to be promoting communism.”...In much the same way you are promoting the desperate need for better education in this country. Inform yourself. There’s this thing called the internet.

I just have all the love for light projection art protests/projects. It’s unstoppable, and similar to graffiti without property damage/a justification for arrest and fines.