
Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.

That must have caused quite a chakra.

I love watching streamers play with randos for this reason. For every 10 games you’re teamed with people yelling obscenities, it’s worth for that one where you can tell the person feels like the luckiest person in the world being teamed with a streamer they recognize.

We don’t need another unhinged narcissitic mentally unfit person in office. I’d be happier with Kim as president and I very much dislike that family.

Now playing

Ironically, it’s a lot easier to send things out of the solar system than it is to plunge them into the sun.

We truly are living in the dumbest timeline.

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

I look at stuff like this and I think, “how hard can that be? That looks like fun!” but in reality, I am klutzy to the point that I have actually dislocated my pelvis opening a bottle of wine.

I love that you called her Tammy.

/PS, this clip of Ira Glass is fucking full of vocal fry. And since it’s relatively low audio quality the vocal fry is extremely obvious.

I love Glass’s commentary on how vocal fry is interpreted: “If people are having a problem with these reporters on the radio, what it means is they’re old.” 

In an article for the New York Times, DiCaro reveals that many men write in to tell her that they turn to get sports to “get away” from women

Gonna need a truck load of D6 for the assault phase and defense rolls.

Yeah, can we please stop holding literally the most influential gaming personality on literally the largest video platform accountable for his constant terrible bullshit? That seems like the decent thing to do, to me, a decent and sensible person

I am no fan of Fox News, but this is still a terrible thing for a parent to go through. We have to remember as liberals and centrists, that no matter how dirty politics can get, kids are always off limits.

This is awful. Sins of the father should have no bearing on the children (despite bible passages to the contrary). That poor child.

I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.

They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.

Good luck on the recovery efforts