How about state legalized marijuana? Should the Federal Government retaliate against those?
How about state legalized marijuana? Should the Federal Government retaliate against those?
“Epileptics are all weirdos.”
It’ll be like horses People will still own, ride, and operate them, but it’s just going to be for entertainment purposes.
I mean it IS what he’s supposed to do as CEO. It inevitably draws articles, comparisons, debates, and lots of internet hand wringing which ultimately benefits the company regardless. Can you imagine how many eyeballs this has attracted across the internet? It’s just another PR schtick. Everything is geared to just…
If you’re advocating for individual rights and freedoms, shouldn’t states’ rights be a priority over national ones? It allows for local groups to create laws that are applicable for themselves and not beholden to these large cumbersome regulations. If anything this is the federal government overreaching and not…
Isn’t it a little bit weird to compare the sharpness at corners of the Z7 and RP? I feel like that’d be highly dependent on the glass you’re using rather than the camera itself...
The thing to remember is that given a 5 figure deduction (pretty small relatively speaking) they get basically the equivalent of a million dollar marketing campaign.
Original article and court ruling specifically address their reasoning:
Keep in mind that melting point of a metal is where it turns to liquid. But metals have an arrest or critical temperature where they begin to dramatically lose structural strength and begin to become soft. Structural steel will lose about 50% of it’s strength at 1100F and I imagine that aluminum probably would lose it…
Just laughed out loud at my desk in a quiet office. Take your star.
Firing up the lighter always comes BEFORE you start smoking so...
Shed-inger’s Box?
Don’t forget Lyons!!
Concrete highways are grooved to increase longevity, improve road noise, and improve road traction. You don’t do this with asphalt as it’s far too soft. But concrete is strong enough to get grooves.
California law and precedent has established the public’s right to access to the beach as well as the beach itself. Even in cases where the access was established through private property but uncontested for a reasonable period of time (somewhere on the order of about 5 years)
They are racking up their billable hours. There’s an associate somewhere about to make partner.
Authy FTW. Switch it up and get multiple devices allowed. There’s obviously a slight sacrifice in degree of security but transferring from one device to another w/ G-authenticator is a PITA. AND it’s free. And they’ve got browser extensions...
It’s just about scale. At a certain point, the lawyer(s) and the time and cost of handling the tickets exceeds the cost of permitting and properly throwing the event. The city’s costs may go up, but they can easily up the ticket’s penalty to compensate.