Woof LikeABear

Yes this is what I did. Too expensive to just keep subbed. Especially after they cancelled weekly releases that I liked because their navigation and UI/UX design has been so horrible that they can’t even show me the weekly shows I am interested in at the top of the listing. If I’m not keeping a sub going for weekly

If he wasn’t so wrong on so many things he wouldn’t be getting lectured.. 

He probably still skipped leg day.

The end run is for Democrat primary candidates to hire Republican consultants and companies.

Hard pass on any candidate who willingly talks to Shapiro.

If the Democrats can’t time their impeachment hearings to completely demolish his re-election by digging up and airing a neverending stream of dirt on the mfer and interfering with his campaigning, those Dems absolutely deserve to lose.

I’m ok with Trump now that the Democratic leadership is ok with it and doesn't want to impeach the mfer.

Only because Democrats are too spineless and centrist to undo the damage that the GOP does every chance they get.

It’s always projection with these fascists.

It’s so easy to couch racist arguments in civility to get published, but at the end of the day, crypto-racists are still racists.

Nah he’s just a better human being. Not giving Democrats any more credit than they deserve.

Please post the list of the sponsors of this shaming resolution so I know whose primary and general election opponents to send my $oros check to.

Just get yourself a dealer. The worst thing about snorting Special K was a k-hole and none of the party kids forked over that much for six treatments.

This is how the right wing muddies the waters on anti semitism so that the next time they march around yelling about Jews not replacing them, the media will be all "both sides". 

As I’ve gotten older, the lines politicians cannot cross before I won’t vote for them have gotten more numerous - there was a time I voted for horrible people like Clinton and Gore. At this point there are so many politicians that I would not vote for even if they are running against Trump because fuck it - if

She was an idiot to have apologized and shown that initial sign of weakness to these fuckers.

At this point I'm just surprised they weren't pimping the kids out to their local Catholic Church.

At least in Europe it's elites enforcing neolib austerity that makes people trust them less. Rich white Americans on the other hand have no excuse.

Whomever wins the Dem primary, I hope they actually visit and campaign in the Midwest and swing states this time.. even if they have to take a private jet to get there.

Despite a bunch of assholes filing the suit, this has to be a good thing. Not only is it acknowledging the qualifications of women in combat, but may make people think twice about reinstating the draft to go invade other countries.