
as someone who lives in one of those areas, they represent the past that they allow nostalgia to cloud them into thinking actually happened. that they can go back to the happy times they misremember of plentiful low education jobs that can support a family on one income. I compare it to when an unattractive guy gets

basically i do some dumb morrowind jokes about preferring almalexia and sotha sil, but otherwise, hes a dorky techbro, he pretends he has some sort of calm “gap bridging” personality, but its still the same half baked fox news bullshit said at half volume. not that he has a chance in hell of republicans actually

See, im not even generally a fan of her work, but the “more than a woman” was an exceptionally catchy song, and a really solid video.

see for me it reminds me of an animated kids video”tubby the tuba” that my younger brother watched a lot.  so tommy tubaville is a common nickname of mine for him.

i hear you, as a kid i got nightmares very easily, i literally could not watch that video, and several others.

on a mechanical perspective, it makes sense, they are a hard hitter with good armor that can also heal and also has an edgelord side with oathbrakers. its funny that people assume clerics are healbots, but mechanically they can actually hit really hard and, for certain subtypes, be really tanky. so mechanically, they

he looks like those puppets from the “land of confusion” video.

ill admit, “drivers license” was a bit of a fakeout, that she was going to be another dreary katie perry/early taylor swift style pop singer who basically trades on being attractive and singing trite love songs, most likely from max martin. But she pulled that rug quickly and has actually turned out to be interesting

so it needs to got to tantegel town and find the old man to remove the curse?

stop you? im promoting you to liu-tenant.

it comes up in video games a lot, when you are a selfless hero who loves all life, and wants to save the world but have to kill thousands of guys who are just doing their jobs as security guards/soldiers for exp grinding. so its kind of weird. in this case i was just going for the pun, it doesn’t actually work with

really, there is no other response possible to that threat. you must call them that. I dont even say that word generally, but if someone says that, you are contractually obligated to call them that.

see, that would cause liu-donarritive dissonance.

I swear that if stephen wright turns out to be a lunatic, im going to scream, ice cube, john cleese, John lovitz, they live long enough you lose them. bob newheart went out with dignity, why not do that.

see, i tried them and they were good, im not sure where we are going with this half baked thing. were they as groundbreaking as the first? no, it broke ground, thats kind of the point, but for the recurring theme of a sci fi space opera playing out around the mundane lives of teenagers transitioning into adulthood

they do, and its important for the ability to make appointments. its not absolute, which is how tuberville exists, but having the majority party has a lot of advantages that we would be feeling if democrats did not have the numbers, even if he is a captain planet villain.

and the gritty political thriller, play-doh’s republic

even if maybe they ran away instead of died, you still lose units, but not the little ghosts rising up judging you. maybe since they are plants, reburied themselve and put up a red flower, indicating they are still alive, but healing. its a little thing, but it did bug me as well. plus as a stakes thing, you would

man, they hide koroks everywhere, dont they?

my thanks are profuse, have not been following it this that close, but im glad for the info.