A.T. Andabagof

Bish pleez

On this side of reality, there are still puh-lenty of records for her to have a try at. Good Luck!

Known felon. Brought piss to a shit fight. End of story.

That’s why America loves sequels. Now where under attack by biological warfare from China.

Is that Sideshow Bob or Bozo the Clown? Either way the ‘do has got to go.

If you enjoyed this movie, you should have your head examined.

It won’t matter anyway. The little pansies cry when the cops use non-lethal means too.

Tatiana Tenreyo: ‘Oh! THAT Django Unchained!’

QT: ‘And now with that Weinstein shit behind me, I think I’ll bow out now.’

try this one...spell check is even better.

Because that’s all your feeble mind can understand.

Or maybe SF or Louisville. Social Justice Losers can’t even spell,LMAO!

He said it was this douchebag.

Funny how blaipo are so ‘superior’.

Same with the ebonics too.

Books are like krytonite to blapipo.

Probably the same BLM dick suckers that couldn’t spell ‘WHERE’

Have they checked with these idiots?

IKR. Just like this dumb piece of shit who couldn’t spell ‘WHERE’ when they spray painted Mitch’s door. As in ‘Weres the fuck did my edjumication go?’ Blapipo just as dumb too.

Thank You! Sounds like every teacher of Critical Race Theory or member of BLM. Blapipo are racists too!