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    If this is per episode, keep in mind that the new season of Gilmore Girls is only 4 episodes.

    Yet another who probably has so much fuck-you money from Law & Order re-runs that other gigs just mean she has to build extra swimming pools in which to store the cash.

    You think saying racist shit leads to royalties being garnisheed?

    Check your bank account balance, Seinfeld cast member!

    I don't think you have any data to back that up, other than your own observations during whichever specific hours you flip channels.

    Other than Girlfriends, Ross hasn't had a lot of starring roles. Anderson was in a bunch of movies circa Kangaroo Jack and Barbershop and starred in later seasons of Bernie Mac and Law and Order.

    You take that back about Ted Danson!

    How Much Money Does Amy Poehler Have, Internet!

    There's a really good bit in the movie The Ten about Dianne Wiesst celebrating another royalty check for her brief run on Law & Order Original Recipe.

    Good job finding the 1 show where the female co-lead makes more!

    But then factor in the obscene amount of royalties they get from the obscene amount of reruns…

    $450,000 is pretty close to $525,000, and NCIS gets better ratings than SVU and might have a little more money to offer.

    The same people were likely paying Brian Williams the same amount up until very recently!

    But if you could make an edit of Blast from the Past that's only Walken and Spacek scenes, you'd have a pretty good short film!

    Keep the change, you filthy stereotype of a country we were recently at war with!

    Remember 2003, when that skit was still funny and not the latest Austin Powers-level "how to spot a douche from 30 yards" comedy bit quote?

    Aren't a bunch of them about the inability to achieve an erection?

    [Cool jerky descending riff x 2]

    "It's a win-win. Our hero isn't a perv BUT we still get to see them knockers"

    Now that I'm nearing 40, I understand that "adult situations" consist mostly of "coarse language while cleaning up LEGO messes" and "some nudity while hoping this physical doesn't reveal anything that'll make my life insurance premium go up"