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    how much smurf this franchise

    So that crummy-looking Robinson Crusoe cartoon that's out now in theaters doesn't even get a year alone on Netflix before another movie snatches its title?

    Mutton chops ARE comedic. Dude, you gotta trim those sideburns so's they aren't covered your ears.

    Fun for the whole family!

    More like "My love, you didn't need more coke" if it's Rod Stewart in the 1970s, right?

    Alt-right likes shitty direct-to-video Nic Cage movies pass it on

    Why should they dictate this shitty costume into existence?

    "We asked our Polynesian friend and HE didn't seem to have a problem with it"

    Ah, the old "we're sorry if anyone was offended" non-apology! Classic.

    The "face diaper with more absorbancy" line from this episode gets stuck in my head weekly.

    The message in that bottle seems to be "ouch"

    Sounds like that'd sting.

    It's only been two minutes and I have SOME work to do at work! Listening now. The intro seems pretty different from what I've heard in the past.

    It's like their used the blur tool so much on the first three guys, it ran out of batteries and they couldn't blur the fourth guy at all!

    I hope I didn't?

    And now we know why Teti isn't the Editor-in-Chief anymore. I'm amazed they didn't burn notice him after that Simpsons snafu.

    "You guys do that every time! I'm sick of playing this game!"

    I thought they were in the jarred pickle business these days.

    Less Than or Equalizer II

    Reading the article is the new "waiting until all the facts are in."