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    My friend watches them all the time on one of those shitty off-brand network TV networks. MeTV maybe?

    [Ron Howard narration]

    What, is she money or something?

    McMahon told him in 1983 to make a heel turn. He has not looked back.

    how is bully formed


    load times


    We could Stand here all day thinking of more.

    Thanks for joining! I can't Carrie a pun thread single-handedly.

    Indeed, they're Shining a light on his work.

    Oh my memeing frog

    But only AFTER she gets her settlement payment. Then it's back to complaining about moochers who don't earn their money.

    "By the time the cock does crow three times, you'll all be talking about what a cock I was."

    If you mean Jeff Buckley, I don't think his version was used in the film, but his version has become the standard.

    It's like he's saying "come and fucking get me, 2016."

    … and I wasn't even into Star Wars as a kid. She was my favorite thing about When Harry Met Sally and later I pieced together that she was Leia.

    I find her fascinating. I would love to hear her do podcasts. Just riff about whatever for 90 minutes.

    I haven't seen this special, but I've found her comedy to be 2/3 basic "observational humor" about overworked stereotypes and 1/3 weird/interesting tangents.

    Depp turned Stanhope into his latest hat?