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    Today, we are ALL "Guy Posting in Wrong Thread"!

    Still only playing Super Mario Bros 2 and 3 on my childhood NES!

    Who ARE these dead salespeople?

    Sports arenas or political rallies: which ignore a higher percentage of a song's lyrics in order to use them to pump up their crowd with a simple message?

    East High Panthers! We love you! But you've only got 14 minutes and no timeouts to win the pennant!

    "Walk" by Pantera covered in the style of "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (Not Was)

    Just the "shoot em in the back now" line though

    As a young boy, Axl Rose dreamed of writing a "pump-up" anthem for the jocks who served him daily beatings.

    My 5-year-old son's review of the inner sleeve of Wishful Drinking:

    Watch for a young Alia Shawkat! Her on-screen debut is watching her on-screen mother get killed.

    Carrie Fisher - Wishful Drinking (too short / not many memoir-ish details. Pretty Cliff's Notes-y. In the intro she explains that drugs and ECT have ruined her memory)

    If the longest sustained bit lasts more than 4 sub-threads, please contact Disqus support.


    If you get the Switch action set, you get a Jimmy Smits AND an Ellen Barkin!

    "Philistine? ANOTHER desert planet? That's it, I'm outta here"

    To be fair, Lucas did have the script for Star Wars: Federation Trade Agreements ready before he sold the franchise.

    That stupid frog GIF doesn't know what to think anymore!

    "Shit, people use light sabers in this movie? AND the Force? Screw it, I ain't watchin."

    "Toys ‘R’ Us had 264 toys categorised under The Force Awakens, only six of which featured Rey."
    - from article linked in article above

    Pretty sure Zelig came before Forrest Gump.