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    And then Forrest Gump also moves to Philadelphia, goes to law school, falls in love with Antonio Banderas, and succumbs to the AIDS he contracted from Jenny.

    Forrest Gump: secret prequel to Walker, Texas Ranger.

    "But baby, it was all just a Zemeckis motion capture thing! The little balls on the green suit are for motion capture!"

    I've only seen two looks on this guy
    1) Dressed up as Hamilton
    2) Middle management at an IT firm in Oak Park

    You / Helped me study for Econ II ALLLL NIIIIIGHT LOOONG

    Doesn't pay too well though

    "Nuh-uh!" - Angus Young and/or his financial advisors

    ♫ She kept her jet engine clean ♫

    Yeah! ♫Do you wanna get married / run away / I won't tell 'em your name ♫

    They offered him a loosie-heavy portfolio. Easier to trade on the open market.

    Text that's a different color and changes when you mouse over it is a link to another web page.

    Pretty good username/comment synergy!

    Whoa! Huge slam on Jackie Gleason out of nowhere!

    I'm 39 and I enjoy ginger beers! Am I invited?

    Oh good, someone brought a bucket of grease to this dumpster fire.

    "Didn't say I was retiring from evil!" - Boehner

    But honestly, the Trump/Romney split of the GOP is really just a matter of "let's fire up racists to distract them from the fact that we're giving all the money to our rich friends" versus "let's give all the money to our rich friends and not disavow all the racists who'll vote for that since they're still sore about

    Once you go get the fuck outta the GOP infrastucture, you never go back.

    Black Crowes >>>>>>> Counting Crows

    I just recently "got" that one. It's pretty fierce in spots.