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    It's a solo album by Enigk. The wrong pronoun got used ("it" when it should say "you").

    If you license a song, the credited writers get royalties. It's an imperfect system, but it's better than constant arbitration over who wrote which pieces.

    It's hard to laugh when NPH's supple tongue is down your throat!

    Capitol Step By Capitol Step

    Yep! Things are definitely going to be super chill starting November 9th.

    That's your interpretation of EVERYTHING


    I'm guessing because he got royalties every time the song was played on the TV show when it aired, which was 17 billion times?

    "We've made cancer contagious and airborne! You're welcome!"

    [Looks out window] There's a rebellious-looking kid out there with a laptop plugged into a phone booth! Arrest him!

    Sir, our satellites have picked up his location and also frozen all of his assets. He's got nowhere to run.

    It's hard to find a good load-bearing pudding these days.

    "I am!" says the dog avatar


    So it was originally a tattoo of Bender smoking a cigar underwater?

    David Spade's punny sitcom Calling a Spade a Spade is in limbo after the Alt-Right got a LITTLE too excited about the title.

    Thank you for sending us an angel!

    "a bunch of throwaway accounts"

    Trophy Wife was much better than its title.

    The whole thing's a dis-Grace