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    Is that supposed to be Garfunkel & Oates as E.T. and Elliott?

    Didn't he help kill the Law & Order franchise?

    Drummers don't really exist anymore though

    Today's kids remember Andrew W.K.?

    "H'erect my chances of a solo career"

    Does yours have the same problem as John Mayer's?

    My understanding is that other people said Zappa said this. And I have seen the quote described as apocryphal in multiple places.

    It was a stressful weekend, but it ended with Jen Kirkman headlining the Milwaukee Comedy Fest, and that part of the weekend was excellent.

    "This nanny chooses MUCH better roles!"

    So it's Jack Frost, but a kitty reboot?

    The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer?

    Heidecker fits right into the anti-comedy genre. But go ahead and redefine words!

    Super Impatient Kids

    "Pissing in the casserole" is a pretty accurate way to describe most comments sections.

    Doesn't Missouri have worse shit for you to be dealing with than whether a web site liked a record?

    It's been streaming for a while. It's officially "out" (in stores) this week.

    Fall in love, hate-fuck, potayto, potahto


    Rated R!

    Good thing his engine was in good shape, or there would have been Fire in the Hole!