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    O he got 1 2?

    The alive one!

    Meanwhile, Scott Baio is getting subjected to the tweets of the legendary Mr. George Wallace, whose final word on the matter was "The party of Lincoln is gone, Chachi."

    Sigh. And *that* was the CW.

    Damn straight! Raymond was a CBS show. Get it together, Dada!

    Nah, doesn't work as well for the joke.

    Desperate House of Marek

    Wow, this show got moved to ABC Family pretty quickly.

    It's your favorite shark-hunting movie

    He was paid $20 million for Rush Hour 2 and $25 million for Rush Hour 3. He seemed to take the approach that he really didn't have to work beyond that.

    I always suspected that show was meant to make kids suspicious of their teachers.

    Quinn the Mood for Love

    Unless it's from one of his jazz fusion records.

    10 Things I Hate About the Killing Joke

    Every day, he eats a sandwich that a different prison cafeteria worker has spit in. He knows they did. He will not argue about it. He will eat the sandwich.

    Upon closer inspection, those are dried garbanzos.

    This happens to me with fennel.

    Peanuts are legumes.

    Pine nuts are seeds. I agree they should be cooked.

    I love a handful of pistachios or almonds with my morning coffee. What's your nut preference?