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    Nixon was 48 years ago.

    Whoa! Huge smear against Nero out of nowhere!

    Those op-eds are coming from the "think thank" GOP types, who are basically realizing that the conservative movement only succeeded in organizing a generation or two of racists.

    So Trump will literally act out the tale of Narcissus? I don't know if he has the attention span to step away from Twitter long enough to focus on his own reflection.

    Some Republicans are endorsing Hillary — just not any A-listers. But the news seemed to think it was a pretty big deal when that advisor to Jeb Bush (who'd also helped Bush Sr get elected in 1988) announced she was leaving the GOP immediately thanks to Trump.

    Buy a Twitter egg, get a free Disqus account pre-loaded with alt-right talking points!

    "Oh, Jenny. It's so poetic that all the women and minorities died. Well, anyway, I'm off to accidentally invent Facebook or whatever."

    I'm gonna go with "watch helplessly as a family member's health declines slowly enough that you shall both live this moment for years to come"

    Ah yes, the year that a subscription to Mad came with a year-long membership to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

    "The Breitbart, The"

    This is true. It's hard to pay attention to Nate Silver when there are so many Dank Memes in that Stash.

    But then who's gonna motivate enough Americans to write in Bernie that he manages to get 270 electoral votes?

    The plural of "Lego" is "vinyl."

    @avclub-507eadad20d4b713441717995a15e661:disqus might be working on a recipe at the top of this thread.

    Also known as "the comments section of Community's season finale"

    He sounds like a cross between Keith David, Keith Carradine, David Carradine, and David Keith.

    I doubt that Chris Matthews was invented by King Radical, though.

    I've been trying for years to pitch "Die Hard in a taxi cab network starring two hilarious character actresses," but so far my screenplay for Hahns / Greer / Uber remains unsold.

    Great FWD: Fwd: Fwd: FWD: FWD: Fwd, Internet!

    I… don't! I remember there being a "SCUD stud," though.