
I knew there weren’t hot singles in my area dying to hook up with me.

Considering the situation we have going in I’m dreading it, mostly.

If this is indeed Prax in the trailer (the fandom thinks so and it’s pretty likely, but I’m not sure if it’s been officially confirmed or not), then I think it’s a safe bet that we’ll see the Ganymede incident this season considering he comes into the story after it happens.

That’s my guess too, I imagine the series of events with her will probably be something along the lines of introduce her and her team in training > develop them as they react to the conflict so we’re invested in them > OH SHIT GANYMEDE.

Bobbie’s not white, ya dingus.

Can’t fool me, dead lady.

‘Cause they paid him?

I’m not sure I see how 85 or 100 would be bad.

God dammit. There goes any chance of enjoying today.

I’m sure it’s no coincidence that The Wedding Singer is about the only Adam Sandler movie I still like.

I must have really fucked up, because I’m white and technically Jewish and I’m still not rich yet.

Every time some dumb motherfucker tells me to try online dating I want to take four shits and die. Tinder is useless and all I learned on OKCupid is that the only women on there who might remotely appeal to me live a minimum of two states away and they’re all looking for someone local, and that it doesn’t matter and I

I swear to god 2016 if you take Carrie Fisher too I will find a way to conjure you as a person and make what remains of your life the worst hell you could possibly imagine I HAVE A LOT OF KNIVES AND A BIG IMAGINATION 2016 DO NOT FUCKING TEST ME


Mad Cow isn’t sexually transmitted and there’s no gorillas in Zimbabwe (nor do they live in caves), you dumb fucking racist idiot asshole.

And here I am only following like, four shows, clearly I’m doing something wrong.

Only a Harkonnen deals in absolutes!

Even if he doesn’t, if his plans to kill every environmental protection he can get his hands on pan out then this is going to have repercussions for hundreds of years. The planet isn’t getting any healthier from our continued presence on it and this could potentially fuck over the entire biosphere for centuries to

I saw the trailer for this before Arrival and was so violently disinterested that my skeleton tried to eject itself from my body to go on an introspective cross-country road trip to murder everyone who made it.

Well, now it’s all awkward.