1st and 15

Nice check, but why the fuck did Keith punch Arvidsson in the face afterwards?  

To be fair, they didn’t “question” Elie’s loyalty. Elie offered that his loyalty lay elsewhere in the final analysis. He was unprompted. M&MD seemed shocked that he was so dismissive of America. They were certainly critical that Elie would sacrifice the country in which he lived, and did suggest that maybe he live

You are correct, the school could not possibly pay male “student athletes” without violating Title IX. But there’s an easy solution to this problem: continue to maintain amateurism and equality is all sports (tennis, golf, swimming, etc.) but move football and men’s basketball out from under the guise of student

To be “fair,” if you believed in slavery, the primacy of the white race, and the plantation way of life then you would probably feel that Lincoln was a tyrant too.

I am bored of people defending an inebriated, ill-dressed santa claus from 50 years ago. He deserved to have snow balls thrown at him. Those that say otherwise are the only concrete evidence that I’ve ever come across that there is, indeed, a war on Christmas.

Are you allowed to film and record someone in NY without their consent? Wouldn’t it be fucked up if the only result of this episode was he was arrested for invasion of privacy or some shit?


It’s going to be embarrassing for everyone when Romo breaks his leg covering a pre-season game and is out of broadcasting for 10-12 months.

The retroactive penalties are bullshit. They are impossible to distribute evenly to the entire field for any and all infractions. 

Can someone answer a question for me: how did the Hilltop and Kingdom soldiers get inside the Alexandria walls? I’m sure that Maggie and/or Jesus know some small backdoor entrance, but could it possibly be large enough for an army and a tiger to get through quickly and silently?

I’m sure that was clearly explained to them as the police scrolled through their phones.

It’s pretty clear to me that you are trying to steal the bread. Why are you trying to steal the bread?

The world didn’t “forget” or “sit back.” There was a three year war and 180,000 UN forces died fighting against North Korea and China, which you conveniently expurgated from your summary.

But would you pay $2500 if there were no kids allowed on the flight?

You seem to spend a lot of time hanging out at the co-op.

You go to Delaware to visit Dogfish Head and some Dupont Mansions, if either of those is your thing.

Vermont is a huge tourist state for people in the Northeast. And because Iowa hosts the nation’s first caucus every four years, for three years prior every politician, their entourages, and the press “visit” it each weekend. That state has a monopoly on an endless stream of out-of-staters coming in and pretending to


At SUNY we were unionized primarily for health care benefits. The school paid us shittily ($10,000 year) and demanded that we not obtain secondary jobs that might interfere with our teaching duties or academic work (discovery of a 2nd job outside the university was grounds for immediate dismissal from your doctoral

Take your anti-capitalist rants elsewhere.