
@minibeardeath: which is a standard aspect ratio for movies. 1.85 and 2.40 are still in use, as well as older films with all kinds of crazy ratios, up to 2.76 for a while, including, notably, ben-hur.

so, it's a larger, standardized touchstone then. short of the pro/con list style argument, I'll just say the palm works great :) hopefully this will get cheaper and bring wireless joy to the masses.

I just got a pixi less than a week ago, and after installing the homebrew-esque Preware installer (which contains a ton of little patches and tweaks, along with homebrew apps) and a cpu controller, it's been absolutely perfect. Seriously, if you want more control, performance and a more customizable interface,

the great thing about the 'wobbly H' is that, with a simple high-five, it transforms into the epic 'eiffel tower'

@DoctorNine: about the horsepower... if one of the primary goals is for a 300mph+ top speed, wouldn't all that power be helpful against drag? we're up in the area of diminishing returns for sure, but if they're going for plaid on the salt flats, excessive horsepower to push through the air (and tall gearing) can't

@DoctorNine: ok, so, this being a pointless thing makes it an artistic statement, no? Somewhere, sometime, someone said (paraphrasing) 'for an object to be art, it can have no other function or serve no other purpose beyond its existence.' and as art, this thing is awesome.

@Fata1moose: hey, you had your fun, two cups in what, 5 years? let me enjoy having my Flyers at (nearly) the top this time around... but I agree with the other 3 hated teams you put up there, so I guess we're cool

so... any further word on when we may see a PS3 HD re-creation of ICO and/or SotC?

@stereobot: I've seen 'em in southern Ontario, and the locals there didn't make it sound like it was too out of the ordinary

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: one thing to check, make sure your PS3 blu-ray movie output setting is set to match your tv so there's no extra conversions going on. I have a 720p/1080i tv, and set the PS3 on 720p, because that is the actual resolution of the tv. if you have a 1080p tv, then set the output accordingly. I'm

I've got a launch-model PSP and about a dozen games (GTA, Lumines, WipEout, all the stars), acquired slowly over time as they came to be. got a screen protector film, softcase, massive battery pack (super useful) and a memory stick. after about a couple years of significant enjoyment but impending ennui, I rooted and

@geekymitch: I'd argue that it did matter significantly. that goal would have made it 2-2 at the half. because they were down, they had to send more players forward in the second half, which helped to allow Germany's breakout goals. had it been tied, England likely would have been more conservative. not to mention

Now playing

@wishnias: ok, found it... on second look, it doesn't seem quite as evil as I remembered it, but I can see why Alonso was crying about it for the rest of the race.

in all seriousness... didn't it look like Lewis checked up intentionally to trap the Ferrari's behind the safety car, and then just barely missed out on beating it back to the line? There was a helicopter or blimp or whatever overhead replay that, to me, looked pretty shady...

@Nürburgring: arcade asteroids didn't have a joystick

can someone explain the fractional frame rates? are they just rounded up to 60, 30 and 24 during typical discussion? and if so, why not use the whole numbers as the technical standard in the first place?

Sounds to me like a bit of a mistranslation, in that he's promoting the range of PS3 online racing options, rather than specific features to GT5. Gotta say, the track creator/editor and stunt arenas seem pretty far fetched, but as a fan, I'd love me some legit karting.