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"You do that. You know, Vic LeCroix… this fence we used to work through, while working undercover with the NeoNazis down in Baton Rouge… he used to make a good cup of coffee with chicory. The boys had to cut his tongue out after they suspected he was a rat behind some arrests after one of our church bombings. I can't

Have you guys missed the last two seasons?

He's still lying a bit through omission, though. He only told her Gabriel notified him of his son in the war (or even that his son exists), not that he has known about him ever since the little affair at the conference last(?) season.

Yeah, I didn't really understand how the reviewer missed the beat about the woman unloading the van. You start hearing that one-of-a-kind accent out of a grocery deliverer in DC… license to kill.

He's out there every day taking stinger missile after stinger missile, and you're here moaning about having to read a POEM, in CLASS?!

Is this a very straight-forward and up-front gimmick?

God, how many Tulsans are there on here? Let's all meet at the center of the universe.

Probably something about saving money for the money saving savers of costly overhead money expenses. I wish those ads ended with him saying, 'look, they even shorted on hiring a likable spokesperson- saving you even more money.'

Tulsa isn't Rustbelt, nor is it Sunbelt. Just a busted out oil city between the plains and the Ozarks that hasn't found a good enough replacement job-market to keep decent jobs. One of the only places I actually hope for gentrification in the hollowed out downtown just so I'm not riding my bike around at night feeling

Yeah. Casa Bonita in Tulsa was like a phantom for me my entire life. I was never quite sure what intersection it was at, or if it was open during any given period. I must have gone looking for it a few times, without success, just to reassure myself that, yes, this place exists and the food is indeed that terrible.

God the one in Tulsa is a shithole. Or, at least, was. I went there about five years ago just to do it. Garbage. Not a single outstanding memory about the place, just a mental static and recollections of stale cheese.

You bring up Emily Blunt, though, and I am reminded she is married to that rough facsimile of a human face- John Krasinski. That goonish face and voice haunts my nightmares.

And since he doesn't smoke, he probably had to drive around all night looking for an all-nite smoke shop for that zippo, just to complete his still-waters-run-deep-bitter-child-fuck-you-dad lawn burning scene in the most classic way.

god, seriously. I thought the entire issue was that the mom was in to some weird Hawaiian Christo-Zoroastrianism- leaving the dead uncle, which he for some reason felt obliged to mention, in the guest room for excarnation. My mind went down some weird paths about why they couldn't sleep in some room before he

I don't know if you genuinely want me to compare the American revolution with the Afghan civil war and Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s. Two centuries time and developments in political theory and the general concept of aid put a pretty large breach between the respective contexts and realities of the two conflicts and

I suppose this conversation is going on far beyond its expiration date as it was meant to be comments on a TV review.

I just don't see Operation Cyclone as a mission primarily focused on maintaining sovereignty- just an extension of containment policy. From what I remember of the political context of the soviet-afghan war, CIA operations began before the Soviet invasion. At the start, at least, it always seemed to me the operation

Hearing reaffirmation of his parenting skills from someone with whom his connection to is shaded by and darkly parallel to his relationship with Paige- especially in his time of doubt about his failings to his sons and daughter- was probably a bit of temporary comfort.

What prayers aren't based on lies? Lying to yourself for comfort.

This reminds me of being back home for Christmas a few years ago and hearing my grandpa praise Reagan. I listed a bunch of the blemishes on his turd of a presidency and Iran-Contra was top of the list. He quite seriously could not remember the whole affair. Selective memory and being pushed along by the prevailing