Thought about this all day at work. Brought it up with friends...and I'd guess that they'd all transform after 100 days?
Thought about this all day at work. Brought it up with friends...and I'd guess that they'd all transform after 100 days?
Well, I'm sold. Who would've thought this would turn out to be great?
That Star Fox watch is still lying around my house somewhere. I'd rather wear that than an Apple watch I have to recharge every night.
These are pretty awesome! I've been pretty impressed with these and the Disney Infinity ones. Something they could have easily phoned in. Glad they didn't though.
It feels like someone tried to remix, like, boss music from the NES days are something.
Pfft. I could do this in Pilotwings 64 ;)
I plan on picking this game up eventually, but just wanted to say excellent choice naming your characters Sabetha and Locke. I freaking love the Gentleman Bastard series.
This makes me physically ill.
Y'know, back in the day, you could rent a game for a week for 5 bucks at Blockbuster...
Hmm...largely everything I could ask for was announced at E3. So I'm gonna go slightly obscure and say I'd like a new, updated, 3D, HD...StarTropics.
Comic artists and painters usually put their own spin on art styles. Where's Midora's "spin?" I'm not the only one that confused it with Minish Cap.
There's more detail because we have higher resolutions than we did what, 11 years ago on GBA. I hope Midora turns out good, but I wish it looked more original.
I wasn't counting this game out. But it goes beyond the art, too. Watch that trailer and tell me exactly what the game does different besides crafting. When you factor in the fact that the game looks like Minish Cap and also plays like Minish Cap, then there's cause for concern.
Minish Cap is for Game Boy Advance; of course it's a different resolution. But come on. You can't seriously tell me both games look quite at all different from each other. Resolution isn't art style. That main character could easily be a redrawn Link sprite.
Uh, no. How so? I love art; that's how I was able to see the strong resemblance right away.
Yes. But not necessarily unjustified controversy. For the record, I think the game looks okay, I just wish it looked more original graphically.
That's my problem, it's far too inspired by MC. People are gonna write this off as a ripoff based on how it looks, no matter what sort of innovation it claims to bring.
The problem, though, is just look at how many people this fooled. That's not a good thing at all. You can tell the difference, sure, and so can I (now), but I'm willing to bet others can't.