
@mtfmuffins: Looks like the "one device does everything" principle is the path we're headed on in relation to future developments in technology.

Really trying not to be insensitive, but when I first read that I thought it said Justin *Bieber*.

@Philip Han: I talking about how Apple's reason for suing is not completely logical and is a bit ridiculous. I'm not arguing that Apple doesn't own Magsafe plugs, but they have used the system in the past to prevent competition from releasing products that are inherently equal or better to theirs.

@Tebasaki: Heh, some PC gamers I know wish they could play Crysis on a portable platform like the iPhone or an Android tablet.

@thechansen: Yep. The Wii is standard definition. People complained that it wasn't HD, but it was still fun, right?

@davislee: Heh, there's a recent court case that a federal appeals court said that the first sale doctrine is no longer applicable to anything.

"Irreparable harm"? Really? How so?

Get this man into Raytheon or DARPA... I wanna see durable prototypes being used on the field by 2020. Sweeeeeet...

@Batmanuel: Someone agrees with me! That's hard to find!

@optimusprimerib: Eh, I should have edited in a "jk" after the second line. It was just to contrast between the bare BMWs and the technologically-packed Lexus HS.

I can definitely see people buying this... Some people are THAT into Facebook...

Is it wrong that I still find BMWs to be a bit spartan in their interiors?

@Jimmy1: That is ingenious... I could actually see us about 5 years in the future using our iPhones/iPod Touches as do-it-all media devices... SWEET.

@SynthOno: It's sucks on Windows... Not so much on Mac.

@ab3: The iPhone/iPod Touch BECOMES the iDrive screen, as illustrated in picture #3.

I'm guessing that Apple has figured out a way to defeat jailbreakers: frequent firmware updates.

Wow, sounds like it doesn't want to make web devs cry anymore...

@Ahmed.Alzayani: Heh, not many people out there would buy this phone since it would cost $1000+... Stupid execs...

@timjonill: Let's endanger counter-terrorism troops in the middle east all at the same time, too!