
The Nokia 3586i was my first phone... It was awesome... It had a *color* screen and had so many cool ringtones!

@swimtwobirds: How is that possible? Did you put it in the wrong position?

@ReiRei0: Man, I always thought that people that needed to trade in their phones frequently just wanted the newest and greatest thing... Your statements prove me otherwise. O_O

@Badlands99: I'm talking about the technical benefits of adding an FM radio to all phones, not about the freedoms the constitution gives us.

@williamgarzon: Good Ford!! 4.3 GB of data?! How is that possible?! Only way you could do that is by streaming something, be it music or video, for half a day, every day.

@Badlands99: A chip adds negligible weight to a device and is cheap (a few bucks). Plus, no extra antenna is needed. Most FM radios in phones use the headphone wire as an antenna.

@ant1pathy: Everyone has their opinion. I like news updates with my music, some like JUST music... :)

I love Sony's headphones and earbuds... This might be my next purchase from them. :)

WHY IS JETBLUE NOT IN DFW?!... It is frustrating!

@y2julio: Hey, not all stations are pop and rock... A few have indie music. :)

@laughingisfree: Agreed, you can't get that from internet radio.

@OCEntertainment: They're receivers, not transmitters. Read the article.

@williamgarzon: Great, but you won't get local stuff with Pandora... Then again, everyone has their opinion.

@tyrizzle: What's so bad about FM radio? Tell me what it doesn't have? Two rules: You can't say "no rewind" or "commercials".

Honestly, I LOVE radio. Internet radio can suck it. I can get real-time, local feeds from what's happening around me from a $20 to free radio set.

@Joe: Shizzz.... if I clicked on that connection, but didn't open any web browser, am I still in danger?