
@Strider-No.9: I'm going to start seeing commercials say, "now on iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone."

@lladnar: I must have this on Mac... I really don't want to have to spend an extra $400 for a netbook right now...

@Cochese: Anarchist Extraordinaire.: Honestly, why is flash such a big deal now days? Who wants to watch Hulu on a phone when it drains your battery? You will not only lose your phone, but your MP4 player as well.

Through the headway made on the iPhone, netbooks will benefit, as well.

@eliavictor: Man, I wish I had the capability to deal with the speed at which it takes to learn material in a Physics major! I have all the passion, but less than needed processing power...

This phone is mine. (Bad grammar, I know.)

@Stevox: I would promote you, but I can not. For this is the best wise crack I've seen in a while! XD

Who in the world would buy a *10-inch* portable Blu-ray player?

@pierrebuz: This is UC Berkeley. Not junior high/middle school.

Here's my problem with the "push" sensation going through the smartphone using public: It doesn't always work with the service used. Blackberry and Gmail, for example, is not a good combo. When I read something on my BB, it doesn't update (or do anything to, frankly) my Gmail inbox.

@Weiner: But, but... They're so shiny... and they almost always work...

@lilalienpup: In an alternate universe, if Zune were king, would you smash a Zune, too?

@bmholler: Question is how many live in Plano, Frisco, and Allen? O_O

@bmholler: Yay, D/FW Metro area reader!

Two things:

How much technology is in that box?

My theory is that the App Approval team is staffed with PR reps and that each one has their individual say in which app goes through. If one doesn't like it, it's rejected.

@teh1andonlym0: Honestly, it looks fine to me. High-rez geeks won't like it, but it honestly seems good to me. What I worry about is how long this phone will last with its ~600 MHz processor.