
When I was young, naive, and , well, basically a frightened baby deer when it came to the whole offer discussion thing, I’d always taken what was offered.

What a tired, ignorant argument.

I don’t think he’s saying you treat the child without the parent or legal guardian’s consent; he’s saying his priority is not to punish the idiot parent, but to help the child by gaining the parent’s trust and hopefully becoming a voice of reason to which the parent actually listens.

Are you reusing that joke from four years ago when the Dyson space heater came out? Serious question.

A few years ago, I (stupidly, perhaps) asked a Whole Foods employee if they had any natural cough syrups I could give to one of my kids, because she was hacking up a lung and was too young for real OTC cough medicine, and I was there anyway for a few grocery items. I thought maybe they’d have something herbal &

Visit it like a normal user and you’d never be able to see the images. But apparently if you navigate the site in the correct way, it’s possible to uncover the illegal images.

I’ve had the same set of Travelpro luggage (all various models from the Crew line) for between 12 and 16 years, and the oldest, most used & abused piece is only now starting to fall apart - the roll-aboard suitcase’s zippers get stuck once in a while and the telescoping handle’s button is kaput - and is on its third

I’ve had the same set of Travelpro luggage (all various models from the Crew line) for between 12 and 16 years, and

What is a “Box Top” product, exactly? Were these the cereal or granola bar boxes that were at the top inside the big case, so whoever was unpacking them accidentally slashed them with the box cutter?

What is a “Box Top” product, exactly? Were these the cereal or granola bar boxes that were at the top inside the big

At least it signaled before turning into the ditch. That’s...that’s considerate.

I really hope so. My car now has a pretty detailed HUD, so the only thing I really look at in the cluster is the fuel gauge. If they eliminated the gauge cluster in favor of just a good HUD, I’d be all for it.

It literally says “waiting to be purchased and enjoyed” on the box. Sounds like WD is being pretty straight-up about the whole deal.

It literally says “waiting to be purchased and enjoyed” on the box. Sounds like WD is being pretty straight-up about

Consistently and thoroughly.

I’m 100% with you. Time permitting, I’ll make the traditional béchamel-based homemade stuff...but that’s a drag after rushing home from work, and usually results in whiny choruses of, “Is dinner ready yet?! We’re hungry!” Being able to cut out that whole step would be a dinnertime game-changer.

To skip the packet of orange powder and make a super creamy, cheesy dish, start by cooking your pasta in milk. By doing so, the pasta releases its starch into the milk, creating a thickened, creamy sauce. Once the pasta is cooked, just chuck your cheese in and stir until melted. Boom. You have the creamiest, easiest

Fingerprint scanner unlocking only works with Marshmallow. Booooo!

The coupons changed sometime last year; now they explicitly state that they’re good for 20% off until a certain date, and 10% off anytime after that date.

I knew a girl in college who was interviewing with the CIA...she said they told her if she got hired on analyst track, she could tell her friends & family that she got a job as a CIA analyst. If she got hired on agent track, she could tell her friends & family that she got a job as a CIA analyst.

Unless your coworkers are freezing as well, in which case you’d be hailed as a hero of MacGyveresque proportion.

Are you located in southeast Asia? I ask because I once read a tidbit about how, in Europe and North America, people generally prefer the warmer (in terms of colour temperature) light of incandescent bulbs; in southeast Asia (including Indian subcontinent), however, people generally prefer the cooler, white light of

An option for Chicago O’Hare is to have the Uber driver pick you up at the Kiss n’ Fly area in Economy Lot E. Then just take the airport tram over, come down the escalator, hop in your Uber, and off you go. No need to deal with city policies, airport pickup rules, pick-up/drop-off traffic, etc.