
“Frederick Dougie Fresh, a terrific guy. One of the best.”

Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

I bring it up every time and nobody takes me seriously. Dame Judi Dench. She could pull off anything.

The ACLU just got a year’s worth of donations in a month. My congresswoman (Feinstein), who I disagree with frequently, just introduced legislation to roll back the “travel” (read: Muslim) ban. The Women’s March was by many accounts the largest protest ever.

God damnit Fahey, you reminded me of Yuuki. Too soon, man.

I’m a Journeyman Ironworker out of Local 709 Savannah Ga. January 20 @ 1159 I quit my job building a DOE/NNSA fuel processing facility. I couldn’t fathom even technically working for Trump for 1 minute. I had a new job Monday @ 0600. I can afford to put principles in front of paychecks because I work Union. Organize

I think the better question is why do we keep on letting idiots into the federal government.

Corners? Where were going, we don’t need corners.

Don’t act like you go to parties.

He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old

CNN reported that they were staff members, not press.

But it’s perfectly fine if it’s that bitch Clinton and her emails 10 days before the election ...right?

Up the ass. No lube. No spit. No foreplay. Rough. Very very rough.

We’re so fucked. So, so fucked.

LoL! I have seen that at at least 50 trade shows. It happens when the vendor’s booth shipment gets lost... I feel really bad for him.

This is the payoff on the long con of typewriter inventor Jerry Qwerty.

Confirmed. Deckard is Rey’s father.

You aren’t enjoying a meal, you’re shoving sustenance down your sustenance hole.