Will Tomorrow

Ahahaha I think it's Eris. Bungie adding Aeris to Destiny would make for a WAY better story.

I usually just headshot everything from afar with a silenced M700/Predator. Even easier if there's a strong animal inside the outpost.

These trailers get me so wound up, but I've tried EVE at least a half dozen times over the years and it always ends with me alone in space, staring at a list of probe information.

I really don't need to go from a day of checking work related spreadsheets to an evening of checking game related spreadsheets.

That's great for the 20 people still playing it. I've never felt so burned by a game in my life. Everything is just to little to late. And to have the audacity to ask for more money for dlc for content to further the story is lame.

Whole lot of meh there.

You can skip it. It's crap.

Dubious claims aside, you do realize it's VOILA! not WALLA! right?

I don't know - that same Uncle works for Google over the internet and makes $6747 a week, I've seen his posts.

Judging by your Suspiciously Capitalized and haphazard Statement, this sounds Fairly fictitious. WALLA!

I'm just... I can't even understand how Ubi comes to this strange things that they tend to say nowadays.

QUOTE | "It's harder to make games for casuals than for hardcore gamers." - Assassin's Creed Unity director Marc Albinet, explaining that casual games force devs to better understand their players.

"Press X to take a critical look at the effects the War on Drugs has done mostly to the poor and disenfranchised."

The Far Cry 4 embargo lifts on November 14th; four days before release!

I was on the fence for DA:Inquisition, however the early reviews convinced me to grab a pre-order.

And early reviews can be great if the game is good. Dragon Age 3 has reviews out a week before release and it's got me even more excited.

Just like they fixed watch dogs...I'm still waiting for that big update

That's really good. DICE/EA have also been good at it. They took a nearly broken game and in 8 months made it a pretty unbroken game that was really fun. That said, I was more commenting on "pls finish the game first guys". Thank you for your input, as I haven't played many Ubi games lately.

Because despite the track record of every single game shipping broken, people still pre-order. Why are they doing it? Because consumers aren't punishing them for it.

No! Don't fix them! Those glitch compilation videos are VASTLY more entertaining and enjoyable to experience than the actual game itself! Don't deprive me of that!

Yes, they are rushed because these games are incredibly complicated and could take years for developers to find all the bugs, but they need to start generating revenue asap. So they sell a half-finished product for full price and use launch purchasers as beta testers. Seriously people, stop pre-ordering! Stop buying