Will Tomorrow

Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:

Plus all the damn microtransactions.

Until they nerf the real world, im not going back. Shit out there is too OP

Well fuck, you don't like em....shut down production.

meh, regardless of game relation, this would be a badass statue to have for the sake of it being a badass statue. But yeah, waaaaay too much money, especially since it's really only bachelor pad material and will mysteriously disappear as soon as you have a significant other or kids...

We need the likes of Garfield, TMNT, Sonic, all that late 80's to early 90's magic.

If you count that as 'swearing' you've clearly never heard a scotsman swear.

I wouldn't say "phoning it in" is even the correct term. To my ears, half of his lines are dripping with disdain for the source material. You can practically hear him raising one eyebrow at the dialogue (which is admittedly shite). A lot of us walk away thinking that Peter Dinklage considers us idiots for playing the

Feeling a bit sensitive this morning?

Because it's extremely repetitive? Because what's driving you past level 20? Because you have to go online to find out 3/4 of the actual story ( which only unlocks slowly )?

I've felt for awhile now the only reason this game is getting so much coverage is the record setting amount of money that was spent on it. I've seen little love for the game out in the real world.

Ya it's kind of ridiculous you can get 1-3 shards a day per character if you are lucky so maybe a week to upgrade a slot on one item. I'm not going to invest that kind of time for next to no reward.

No new planets? No new cities? Only new strikes (which get old VERY fast) and new raids? This is terrible... these don't really "expand" on the game enough to warrant being called expansions... I'm kind of upset about that. I wanted to explore other areas on Earth, maybe even new areas on the other planets...

Did I offend you by making fun of the game you saved up all your allowance to get? Maybe next time you will choose better! Children really do say the darndest things.

Now if all this was in the game day 1 we'd have a winner. As it stands I ebayed my copy today. Sick of getting 2 or 3 shards a day yet it takes tons to upgrade. Repetition in Destiny isn't fun and the game doesn't start at level 20, the repetition does!

Anyone else already done with Destiny? My Warlock is level 27 and I've done all I can do.

I have already moved on; Destiny was a massive disappointment and a similar sized time sink.

Oh, cool. Well, then I'm done with Destiny for a while. Nothing left to do.

It could only last so long with it being constantly reported on... Gotta earn my purples the hard way now.. by having them all turn into blues and shite.

Hey hey hey, excruciating grind? That just means you're entitled and this isn't your kind of game.