
I have never heard the barefoot myth but I have been told many times driving with flip-flops is a no-no which makes sense to me.

Not sure about Michigan because Bell’s is mostly great but MN is certainly above Wisc in terms of quality. Wisc excels at producing piss water passed off as beer - see Miller.

Probably not that long since they are building 2 buildings in Shakopee;

Mario is getting ripped for not including the list in his article. What the heck dude? just throw the list in your article. Why make us work for it?

Thanks Dude. Yeah why not throw the list in the article?

I did question my own post further down the thread. Not sure if you saw that but I basically posted the above thought and then immediately questioned it.

It’s tricky. I wrote my post and immediately starting talking myself around it. An infant doesn’t know they have an addiction gene passed down to them. But, they decide to drink/smoke and then they are hooked.

As far as I’ve read/heard alchololism can be traced through your genes and passed down without any intervention from the individual getting the gene passed to them.

I was working at a party supply store in high school and did some fast math once for 2 ladies trying to split a bill. They both decided I needed to be part of their pyramid scheme. I enrolled, went to some fancy meetings/speakers a local “fancy hotel”, realized what was going on and asked for my money back. I never

Another fun fact about Mass - it’s SW corner was trimmed because the land was on the other side of mountains/hills and was unreachable. Apparently it was a haven for criminals but Mass couldn’t control the land so they have it away. That’s why Boston Corner is in New York.

“see, this works. just keep it in house.” - tim cook

Like now. Not in August before you leave for college. Break up now.

Absolutely the latest version online. I don’t even think software came in the box. The “latest” version is crap. I bought the mouse during a similar sale on Amazon.

Absolutely the latest version online. I don’t even think software came in the box. The “latest” version is crap. I

Careful with the M560 mouse. I cannot get their software to install on a Win 7 machine. I was really hoping to customize the buttons to do useful things. :/

Careful with the M560 mouse. I cannot get their software to install on a Win 7 machine. I was really hoping to

I bought a 2006 Mazda 6 in 2007. Paid it off in 2011. I’m at 152k miles and just had my first “major” repair in January. Up until that repair (new exhaust due to 2 holes in my flex joints, basically my car was quite loud) it was only lights, brake pads, and tires. Regular stuff. Very happy with the car.

Based on 1 experience with 1 car It will be difficult for me not to buy another Mazda.

Thanks for the hat-tip to MN. That’s where I hail from. MN makes the news about three times a year between controversial/terrible sports teams and cold weather.

As a midwesterner I have to ask the obvious question; Why would someone pick Milwaukee when Chicago is 90 miles away.

Now playing

Duke kid’s remix R. Kelly’s Ignition. Someone emailed this to me in college before YouTube existed. It’s still awesome.