You can use Indeed to search for job title by location. That's how I found my job - 6 miles from my house. No freeway. Thank you Indeed!
You can use Indeed to search for job title by location. That's how I found my job - 6 miles from my house. No freeway. Thank you Indeed!
WWSF? (What would Sherlock Find?)
Asked me buddy, he said 'lick a fart' and we moved on. Good advice in my opinion
TIL some new civil rights stuff. Good. It's not an area I know much about nor an area I seek out new information.
Ah ha. Not common knowledge I guess.
Bridgewater, AP, Jennings, Fitzgerald - let's go!
I have a 4.5 year old that I sorta-kinda pushed Lego's on and I'm really excited he's into it because I loved playing with them. It really takes me back to being a kid. I reclaimed all my old toys from my parents house and cleaned each Lego individually.
Makes sense. Jay already got away with it; Adnan did not. If Adnan can get out then they both got away with it.
I think they both know something but I don't think they did it together. Why hold the lies for this long? And why are they holding different lies? I mean, Jay's reason to continue lying is obvious - he got off mostly free. But Adnan could throw Jay under the bus and at least get him thrown in jail too.
I've re-imagined my day from the moment I wake up. Usually get's my mind off whatever is keeping me awake.
Wife and I lucked out - 2 May birthday's. It's almost perfect. We get a fresh allotment of toys almost 6 months apart. We just did our pre-xmas toy purge and boxed up a lot of stuff. As a parent of an 18 month old and a 4.5 year old we're finding the 18 month old is "skipping" a lot of toys in his age group and play's…
Hated that catch. I'm a Vikings fan and I was in college watching the game with a bunch of Packer rubes and they couldn't believe how the Vikings quit on the play. The snide Wisconsin assholes assume their precious little title-town team can make plays like that. Still hate it. And their QB's. Except in 2009. No, this…
Runkeeper is fantastic! Just a simple way to manually log your miles. I know it has more advanced features but I just wanted an app that would allow me to remember how much I've been or not been running.
I look at the ads but don't participate. I generally believe if you think you can afford it because it's on sale you can't actually afford it.
I dunno. Apple put out a privacy statement/agreement. We all click "okay" on it and install anyways. That's our problem.
Sounds like Google? Right?
Started with $100/month per child into 529 accounts. I think we'll bump that up once they get older and out of daycare. The oldest child will start kindergarten next Sept and he'll have a little more than $6k to his name for college. That is $6k more than I had when I started college in 2000. Any amount I contribute,…