
Runkeeper is fantastic! Just a simple way to manually log your miles. I know it has more advanced features but I just wanted an app that would allow me to remember how much I've been or not been running.


I look at the ads but don't participate. I generally believe if you think you can afford it because it's on sale you can't actually afford it.

What if I just say that I don't find her very humorous and I think her 15 minutes were up a while ago?

BMW'ers here. And woman driving SUV's.

First thing that should have come to mind:

Sorry to hear. Yosemite works great on my late 2008 MacBook with 4gb and a 500gb SSD. It's better than Mountain Lion.

I dunno. Apple put out a privacy statement/agreement. We all click "okay" on it and install anyways. That's our problem.

Sounds like Google? Right?

Started with $100/month per child into 529 accounts. I think we'll bump that up once they get older and out of daycare. The oldest child will start kindergarten next Sept and he'll have a little more than $6k to his name for college. That is $6k more than I had when I started college in 2000. Any amount I contribute,

Disappearance of Jacob Wetterling - as a child growing up in the Midwest this story has always stuck with me. There continues to be news about it as recently as last year.

Never heard of this either. Read through the Wikipedia page. Strange circumstances.

I miss the Lifehacker Podcast. Supercharged with Dachis is okay but the Lifehacker Podcast was much better :(

I'd rather Amazon focus on 1 thing rather than everything. If you do everything there is nothing you do well. I also love Amazon Prime for it's 2 day shipping and always getting me diapers for my kids.

I tried a couple of times and did not work for me either

Good to know. I presume I 'll be able to dock a iPad and just use a flight simulator to save the day.

I got nervous just reading this. Hopefully the flight will have wi-fi so I can dial up these directions when I'm called upon to save the day.

and Costco sells regular sized detergent that is cheaper than the a comparable brand at Target or other big boxes. Still saving money and getting a quality product.