
Well, Diggle and HIVE is a season long story. And I enjoyed last week's episode. All of it. Satisfying to me. Each to their own though!

LOL that's saying a lot considering they have about as much chemistry as a couple of fish. Hahahaha. (I totally agree though.)

You have it - Diggle's story with HIVE.

Oh, I didn't know she was cast as a love interest. I hate the flashbacks but I do pay attention to them and I've not seen that vibe at all. I was wondering where it was going so now I know! Pointless but ok.

I don't know what you've been waiting for but I've been waiting for a storyline that's about Felicity and Felicity alone. Not Oliver/Felicity, not Felicity/Ray. Something where we learn about her and her history. So this is great and yeah, she's awesome!

LOL this. When Shado said Oliver was in love with her I went 'WHAT? WHEN?' Not seen that at all.

I think Oliver turned 30 last year. Wasn't he born in 1985?

Nyssa definitely made Laurel's scenes more palatable (Katie Cassidy doesn't really click or spark with many people) but I'm pretty okay with getting rid of Laurel altogether though so…

They intentionally kept him hidden from her view. There was a shot of the audience and she could only see Oliver. So she didn't notice him.

Shut up, Meg.

Nah, it won't happen. Sorry. This is finally her arc/time after 3 and a half years.

Pretty great episode. Even Shado added something interesting to the otherwise awful flashbacks. Felicity unknowingly trying to out-hack her dad was awesome. I really enjoyed their banter together. I hope we see that again. Nyssa's escape and subsequent sword fight with Katana was excellent. Can we exchange Laurel for

Felicity was just seriously injured…for life. I think it's fair she gets the screen time for a story that's finally about her and not about her being one half of the show's romance. If they paralysed her and then just brushed that off to focus on others, it wouldn't have been right.

Yes, I totally agree with that. She'd need physical therapy and everything. Even just a mention that she's been to PT would be better than nothing and more realistic.

I'm fine with her being in a wheelchair for a few episodes, maybe even the rest of the season. But I do want her to walk again. I don't care if it's unrealistic. It's not right that she's the only one to suffer the consequences of their lifestyle. Everyone else, all the masks, they get away with barely any injuries at

I hope they don't kill her too. I liked Katana. They could just send her back to live in isolation like she wanted at the end of season 3. No one would think any different.

They've mentioned directors many times on twitter. I don't think calling out obvious sexism is ridiculous at all. Lexi Alexander didn't receive the same hype and praise that Bamford did and she's far more qualified as a director than he is. I'm all for them cheering on the stunt director but a bit of equality wouldn't

Absolutely! :)

But who cares if they borrow Batman's furniture? Is it really that big of a deal? You're still getting a comic book show with plenty of comic book elements. I don't see the issue.

Oh ok. I didn't have a problem with it, or that moment at Moira's funeral. She was speaking to Diggle and pretty quietly. I doubt anyone would have heard.