The misplaced rage is strong in this thread.
The misplaced rage is strong in this thread.
Which part of my statement said you were wrong?
How about saying, “Don’t bring frivolous lawsuits?” That’s a good place to start. And, as the story already said, this is a tactic to ensure that plaintiffs don’t appeal. The plaintiffs will agree not to appeal, and the request for fees and costs will be dropped.
As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society…
The term “fiduciary duty” cannot even be applied to registered democrats when discussing what duty the DNC owes them. You aren’t shareholders in a corporation. But, I agree, that the only potentially reasonable claim is regarding security of personal and financial information.
I have no doubt. People love screaming “I’ve been wronged” and suing people to make themselves feel better, regardless of whether they have a cause of action.
Yeah, the lawsuit should get as far as a motion to dismiss. Can’t wait to see the court throw this one out.
Here’s the thing - from my understanding men are still more likely to work in some of the top-paying, office jobs that require and encourage more time in the office. While women are more likely to work jobs that do not allow for overtime (and, in fact, discourage it). It doesn’t sound like this study controlled for…
I think the problem is that they cannot keep people from getting into Jordan once they open the borders. It’s not an issue of letting water through to the refugees so much as it is an issue of inadvertently letting refugees through to Jordan when Jordan cannot sustain more population growth right now.
You realize that even if the US accepted 500,000 refugees today, it would do nothing for the people at the jordanian border right? Refugees have to go through the UN before finding a country to resettle in. First, they have register with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Next, the UNHCR has to…
I understand. And, to be fair, Heller came out prior to 2014, but I realize that it was only a federal decision applicable to DC and not to the states. Nonetheless, I have seen no effort in the last several years, essentially since McDonald, by anybody to ban handguns. Likely because the law would be unconstitutional…
Good thing she had that gun to “protect” her family. Yikes. Also, I do not recall any attempt by anyone to “ban semi-automatic handguns.” I have yet to hear of a “single-action revolver only” proposed handgun law.
That’s just awful. People are awful.
Yeah. I was just being generous. I cannot imagine standing aside and watching a woman get murdered on a crowded subway, but I also cannot predict what I would do in that situation. People react strangely in emergencies.
No kidding. I mean, I don’t blame them for not helping when a man had a knife and was attacking somebody. But for fuck sake, don’t then take pictures of the woman’s body when he leaves. Did anybody even try to help her after he left? Or did they just take gruesome pics?
Yeah, all his bluster is just him trying to CYA.
Yeah. Sucks huh?
Also, he has the same name as the first territorial governor of Montana, who died when he drunkenly fell off a steamboat into the Missouri. Not really a common name (Thomas Francis Meagher).
That’s an ethical obligation that would apply to other attorneys and not the press. For example, if I receive an email from opposing counsel and it appears that the email was accidentally sent to me and contains attorney/client privileged information, then I have an ethical obligation to erase said email and not use…