Low Information Boater

You mean the US is abiding by the negotiation we struck with Iran to stop them from creating a nuclear weapon by paying them back for military equipment we never delivered? Since when has paying our debts a crime? If you ask me it is a small price to pay to improve peace in the middle east.

I really hate Jonah Hill. He is terribly unfunny and a shitty actor and not endearing at all because he comes across as horribly insincere. I really don’t like him.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

This one is only slightly outrageous, wait until four ballparks from now when it’s called Elysium and only the ultra-rich, who are now little more than energy mists, can attend in 9 million quatloo luxury boxes.

If I lived in a city big enough to have a sports team, I’d vote for letting them all leave over contributing a dime. What a waste. If no cities were willing to shell out hundreds of millions for new stadiums, we wouldn’t be in this arms race and teams wouldn’t have any impetus to leave.

You know the Rangers must be incompetent when they can’t even find a way to bypass the election and force the voters to fund whatever the hell they want without any input whatsoever.

It’s better than the alternative. That’s about it. Hillary is competent and sane, even if she is too hawkish and pro-big business for me. She may not bring us closer to a progressive utopia, but at least she won’t insult our allies, collapse our economy, or reverse the progress of human rights in this country.

Yeah, the Cowboys have tons of problems. Romo has never been one of them.

David Harbour tore his Achilles while playing Achilles in Shakespeare in the Park.

It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?

Almost three? So he was asking for the boob with his toothy smile? That’s insane.

That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.

I hate it when racist murdering assholes make me agree with them.

Did Vanilla Ice become a roadie?

You raw-doggin sons of bitches, you!

Hitler with the master plan dating back to the 1896 Athens games

Nobody in Minnesota gives a shit about college football

Well, if he studied history, Shiloh would learn that fighting the men in blue is a losing battle.

Forget it, EagleEyedTiger. Croquemonsieur’s whole shtick is pretending(?) to be a hyper-literal ‘bad kinja’ commenter. I think it’s anti-humor, but it’s usually so vanilla that it doesn’t elevate to satire or funny, just more of a knowing regurgitation of what dumb people say.

Why are IOC Directors dressed as Brazilian Police Officers?