whoarder is tellurium

I got to meet Mr. Balboni back in October 2010 at the end of the Fireball Rally in Galena, IL. Naturally, he was driving a manual Balboni Edition Gallardo in the rally.

Rotary power.

This is a revolutionary advancement in technology. Now when I play racing simulators on dual monitors, that line down the middle of the viewing area actually makes the experience more realistic.

I thought that a pic of said burnt Furai would have been too traumatic and would trigger some folks.

“Hey, so is it a bad thing that I see airplane lights on the runway?”

They told him to land on Runway 28A, but the pilot thought they told him to land on “28, eh.”

Unf, the Rafale is such a sexy plane.

How about that start from Bottas! That was incredible timing. I think that start was up there with drag racers. Although their tree works a bit differently.

Who needs Maldonado when you have Kvyat?

Daniil Maldonado strikes again.

In the drawer next to the weed.

Hardly limited to Republicans. #WeinersWeiner

Well, it’s from Buzzfeed, it must be true!

I don’t think you used the word Republican enough times, and you certainly didn’t mention enough unrelated events.

What these Oklahoma State Senators did is shocking! Number 3 will blow your mind!

Buzzfeed picked this up? I bet that article is titled something like “You won’t believe what this State Senator did to an Uber Driver!”

One speaks to the very balance and source of power from which the government is derived, providing protection from tyranny. The other gets you to the shopping mall faster.

Thankfully every time someone uses a truck to bulldoze a public square at peak hours, politicians don’t clamor to restrict public access to cars.