whoarder is tellurium

A pilot here- Altitude is a huge factor. Air becomes less dense with altitude. High temps exasperate the problem. Look up density altitude to get a better idea of what I am talking about. Phoenix is 1086 feet above sea level. I just checked the weather at the Phoenix airport and they are reporting temps of 108 and a

Wonder if altitude is a factor. Palm Springs is 450ft above MSL, Phoenix is 1,124ft. 600ft, couple of degrees of OAT...may make a difference on max takeoff weight.

Watch out for the CD changer in the trunk

I’m afarid I’m going to have to disagree with your assesment, the contact earlier in that lap I thing dameged his tire causing him to go off track in the chicane. Either way though it was awsome final lap racing for the lead in a 24 hour race.

See America from behind the wheel of a LeSabre!

So what you mean to say is Verstappen has no enthusiasm for curbs?

Maybe it belongs to Gizmodo? It says so right there:

Drive in reverse

I think the thing I’m most irritated about is how FA has been morphed from a cool place to discuss defense and military equipment, strategy, and tactics, into what’s basically a political sounding board - of which the mothership-formerly-known-as-Gawker has many other places to post this rhetoric!

Dont be hating on the RX8...

I think there is a bright spot here with Mr. Wetzel.

5) FA used to be a kickass site about military hardware, etc. Now it’s basically another Trump hit piece site that uses the thinnest ties to “National Security” in its articles as an excuse to justify writing them.

How about...

Wow, they put the F1 engine in a Civic!



Sure but what were Spain’s Coke 600 ratings like?

Most of the people who write for Kinja sites are millennials who live in ultra urban city centers and have literally no idea how the rest of world outside of the city center works. This article seems no different.