whoarder is tellurium

Isn’t Sauber battling financial dufficulties? Maybe Honda made them a sweet deal. Honda hasn’t hid the fact that they are looking forward to twice the miles to gather data from.

I hear ford has some pretty solid TTV6 engines these days.

Toyota’s version of struggling didn’t compare to this.

They scrapped their 2 year old failure and threw it in the dumpster and started over. Presumably they would have learned from their previous failures and built something more reliable. It is believed that if they could solve the reliability issues that the engine would be a strong engine. While the last one clearly

Remember how long Toyota struggled with the largest budget in F1? The issue for Honda is undoubtedly people and organization more than resources.

This ^^^. Everything across the multiple sites - Jalopnik, FA, Gizmodo etc. is anti-Trump at every opportunity. Just stop already. It’s transparent and obvious and completely disgusting.

Yes, you can configure a Carrera in almost the exact same manner as this one.

My god, its beautiful. If I win the lottery tomorrow I’m ordering one exactly like that on Saturday.

I have such an affinity for green cars.

I’ve also heard AWD turns you into a driving god.

Well, this just shared to Facebook. A father’s love for his son. And One. Proud. Dad.

“... and deployed chemical weapons against its own citizens.”

What does it say about former pres Obama that used one jet to fly the first lady and family out to Hawaii a few hours before the pres himself? Michelle couldn’t wait to fly with her husband? And this scenario played out a number of times over 8 years.

Multiple meetings with world leaders and working while at Mar-a-Lago. But, that doesn’t fit the popular hate rhetoric.

It’s high time we designate a Presidential vacation budget. Give them a set amount, they use it as they see fit. No bullshit like taking 1 meeting while on vacation and label it a “meeting” Just a simple, “You have $15m/year for personal vacations and 4 weekend trips to Camp David, enjoy”.

Now, how much does it cost to fly the C-17s full of gear, helicopters, V-22s, and limousines? One piece down, a bunch to go.

I think that Cadillac is overdue for updating the 3.6 to generate more power. They have the 2.0 dialed in, but they forgot about doing the same for the 6.

“The back and forth” (speed fluctuating between 65-85 MPH) drives me up the wall. It’s not quite as bad when it’s an open road and minimal traffic (just turns into a mildly annoying dance), but if there’s any traffic, it’s insufferable. That low end speed inevitably happens whenever you can’t pass them and then once