
Except they have rapidly failed in courting the younger crowd. Most kids know more about Minecraft, Halo or CoD then Nintendo icons. They might know who the mainstays are at a glance but as something they actively want? Well that is a different matter all together.

This right here is probably going to be one of the largest things to hurt it. They are so sure of themselves and people wanting to play on the split tiny Joycons. That the pricing is just out of control on every peripheral for the system.

But isn’t about the storage at this point. It is instead about the transfer rates due to Micro SD cards having horrible transfer rates. You will see massive load times or other problems trying to play that digital purchase from a Micro SD card.

Except it is Micro SD for expansion which could cause problems. Micro SD cards have terrible transfer rates even in the higher more expensive ends. Let alone the cheaper ones which are more likely to be used by the average consumer. They are more inline with base mechanical drives and that is bad.

The pricing on all the extra stuff is insane! If you want a second Joycon and a second dock for another room. Which is just a glorified charging station! You pay around 150 bucks or so for both! That is over half the damn price of the console itself! You might as well just buy a second console for your other TV

They really needed to tone down that language though.

Considering the current Nintendo track record and how they are handling the new online system. It just seems unlikely they will let us carry those games over. As Nintendo tends to be terrible with emulation or even porting games with any sort of speed. That and tethering games to hardware over software. Which they

The concept was great and people still loved it. What they needed to was was take the handcuffs off the fans. If they really wanted to be seen as something more then just for kids. They needed to let people talk like adults at the very least for rated T and up games.

Now playing

I’m sorry but considering the failed promises of the Wii, Amiibos and most recently the WiiU. I am falling well into the skeptical area and soon to be not purchasing. It very much so looks 100% like a repeat of past actions and that the way they do things has not changed at all.

Because that has worked out so well for them in the past. You know with the WiiU and other items. Yep......

Well at least there was the 2k extra cash... had there not been that I’d have puked.

I think most of us can agree that if it comes down between future games not coming out or being full of this? We’d rather have many of them be a found memory instead.

That is just nasty in so many ways... for one cup noodles taste like crap. Another that kind of product placement in a game is just puke worthy.

You are wasting your breath all the mouth breathers will be here soon to defend them. Despite the fact you are actually closer to the letter of the law then they are. They do not understand how copyright or intellectual property law really works. Yet they will puff out those chests and let spittle drool down their

They are remaking FF7 so it could also be in reference to how the remake may also suck in areas due to product placement.

But at what cost is the question. If the WiiU is any indicator the cost could be high. You had frame dipping in some games or other where it looked like an N64 game such as the new Star Fox to get those framerates due to how underpowered the damn thing was.

Which honestly at this point is just pathetic all around. The Wii should have had HD but it didn’t but the gimmick saved it. Well it sold well with terrible support anyways. The WiiU didn’t even do a good job of supporting HD... I mean come on.

You forget that even first party wise on the console front they haven’t done that great. Sure they games were fun but outside of a few like Splatoon very forgettable.

Sadly they refuse to understand this and the rabid fanboys also refuse to get it. As a long time Nintendo fan I have better uses for my money then Nintendo burning me again.

You’d have a point if this was said years ago but it isn’t. This is today after Nintendo has constantly fucked very simple things up. The track record speaks for itself.