
I’m honestly confused about how the show was going to use them- now that they’re adults, it’s quite clear they’re not identical. Using them both and switching back and forth seems like a poor idea, it’ll be obvious that there are two different women playing one character.

I had a moment last night when my gay black next door neighbor went off on a “They’re taking our jobs/ take care of Americans first” rant about illegal immigrants. I don’t think a lot of Americans realize how deep seated racism is, and how it can cross lines that we normally think of as inpenetrable. It’s scary.

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Air Force One was staffed exclusively by stewards.

Amen! Just lost a high school friend because I told her she was intolerant by being pro-life; she told me to respect her views, and I told her sure, just don’t force them on me through legislation and I will. De-friended and IDGAF.

I’ve read about smaller groups challenging Church dogma here and there, but they tend to only focus on one issue (women allowed into the clergy, loosening annulment procedures, etc), and they’re always kept small and out of the way by higher Church officials.
I honestly don’t have a good recommendation for change

Yeah, that was a rant and a half.* In between my first response and that one, I had read an article (now on Jez) about women experiencing prolonged miscarriages at Catholic hospitals. I’m trying to concieve, and the closest hospital to me is Catholic. The risk posed to me by Catholicism is real, and then I go online

Ooooh, thanks you SO MUCH for clearing up that in fact, Catholics *are* fighting for change, by posting all those informative links proving your point! Oh wait, you did nothing of the sort, you just said I was wrong because I don’t share your silly belief system and can’t understaaaaaaannnnnd, lol. I don’t have to

I will never understand people like that. I was raised Methodist, went to church reguarly, even watched them dedicate a block in the sanctuary to my grandmother for all the money she gave. Still had no problem at all leaving at 14 when they told me my Buddhist aunt was going to hell. It was a simple choice- my beliefs

Yeah, your country analogy didn’t really clear anything up. I’m American, and I have plenty of problems with my country- which is why I support politicians who want to change things, even if their ideas are derided as being “unrealistic.” I just don’t see any large, or even medium, movement to change Catholicism.

THANK YOU. I would never say it to their faces, but I am continually confused by the good and educated people I know who stay with the Catholic Church. All my Protestant friends are on board with their faith- they either go to a liberal leaning church, or if they go to a traditional one, they’re open about supporting

Ugh, Fletcher. There’s a name I don’t miss.

I do miss KY, and will probably move back there someday (I’m due to inherit the family house at some point), but I won’t lie, I live in liberal land now, and I love it. I’ll always bleed blue, but the politics of my home state kinda make me wanna stay where I am; although I

I really wish more doctors would challenge laws like this as an affront to their own conscience. All they have to do is sue, saying “Prescribing a non-medically necessary procedure goes against my conscience as a doctor and personal beliefs as a private citizen.” I understand why they don’t (it’s a bigass, expensive

My extreme right wing cousins (all from WV) shared some godawful Christian comic that was a straight rip off of The Oatmeal, where some well meaning Christian explains to a gay person that no, the Christian doesn’t hate them, just wants them to remain celibate for life. There’s so much wrong with it, including the

Came here to say that America has steadily moved to the right for the last 30 years, and supporting someone whose policies would have been seen as moderate by our grandparents is not extreme. Fin.

The one Libertarian I know: became that way after joining a cult-like modern megachurch, thinks less regulation is good, but also hates Monsanto and approves of things like weight requirements for runway models, loves Paul, likes Bernie, and tells anyone who disagrees with him that they are merely sheeple who have

‘Well,’ replied Mr. Kierstead, ‘that’s your belief.’

I so so so wish he had followed that up with “My beliefs are different. Why should I have to live my life by your beliefs?” I know nothing is going to change people like Rubio and what they believe, but I wish the dialogue focused more on the right literally forcing

Dear Ms. Steinem,
We’re not going to vote with our vaginas. Quit fucking patronizing us, bitch.
Modern women

P.S. Bill Maher sucks

What is your opinion on airplane bathroom line etiquette? I had an 8 hour flight from Europe, and I had an aisle seat, close but not super close to the bathroom. Lordy, the line that formed! I mean, it got to be 5-7 people deep on each side! This greatly annoyed me, as I had strangers crowding and staring down at me

Is there a way to determine if you’ve gotten the disease? Is there a way to test in utero if your fetus has been affected? If so, how early can you find out? I’ve been reading a lot about Zika in the last few days, but nothing on the above questions. My husband and I have just recently begun to try to concieve.

I got my inheritance from my grandmother when I was 21. Honestly, I wish she had made me wait till I was *at least* 25, and this is with 10 years hindsight.