
GoT: I’m a little disappointed. The number of times that Casterly Rock is mentioned without ever being shown is the closest thing the show has to a running gag, and I almost don’t want to see it at this point. It’d be like suddenly seeing Wilson’s face.

Pharah is actually one of the more effective heroes against Bastion. She has very little difficulty getting direct hits with her rockets against him and her damage is burst based while Bastions is sustain. Which means she can just duck in and out of cover firing rockets and dodging bullets. The only thing you can do

I am definitely not a Ferrari person but I have to say they have a timeless beauty. I would say timeless styling but a majority of their beauty is how they were designed for the times.

I wish I could star this more than once. Universal Remote has randomly come back in a weird surge of appearance. But I believe more for those just starting out and getting a chance to learn their weapons. Also, cause it’s a Primary Shotty, what isn’t cool about that?

Relative to other podiums it’s Usain Bolt.

POTUS goes to Trump and Obama’s tweets all go to POTUS44. They have a whole peaceful exchange of power laid out for Twitter.

The Indians blew a 3-1 lead. Hillary Clinton lost Ohio.
Did LeBron secretly pull for the Warriors in the finals?

I appreciate the lengths you went to.

Thats good eatin’.

Also, not the usual way football is having trouble with domestic abuse.


Crown for a king!

Nope, nothing more than the basic premise of the film.

As someone who is in the LGBT community and completely against Trump, at least when discussing the trans bathroom issue he came out and basically said they can use whatever bathrooms they want. I don’t think Trump is the concern, it is the people he has surrounded himself with. I just hope he won’t give in to them

I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the Beetle. Far too beloved for me to hate, but not something that appeals to me at all either objectively or subjectively. I’d love someday to make a documentary wherein the goal was to understand why people love The Beetle so dearly.

As I posted separately, the Spanish regard the Mexicans as the butt of all the “Okie/Polak” jokes. If you’ve never seen the Spanish dub of Fawlty Towers, Manuel comes from Guadalajara!

I think one point per shot is the dividing line between good and bad efficiency, yeah.

I don’t know what the average is but last season the star wing players and guards finished around 1.3-1.5 points per shot. I refer to guards and wings because a handful of bigs rarely shoot and when they do shoot it is often a dunk or layup - DeAndre Jordan, Dwight Howard - so their PPS numbers are unusually high.

Obviously Raptors can’t shoot with those tiny arms.