
It’s an unedited copy of the closed captioning. We’ll get a cleaned up version, I’m sure, but in the meantime, these aren’t Deadspin’s errors. They’re the closed captioner’s errors. I mean, except for the parts that aren’t sentences and/or don’t make sense, that’s all Donald.

whatevereverafter makes a good point. Most Americans don’t have a sufficiently valuable skill to be able to emigrate successfully, but you probably do.

Morton died a while ago.

Sorry, I don’t think Downey votes blue.

Its the thing they put kfc’s in

We’ve been expecting you

“Of course not, we’re American and we do it bigger and louder.”


You see, I keep telling myself that we survived Bush. This isn’t helping.

A lot of serial killers start with their parents. Just sayin’.

In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.

I can’t wait for four years of scrolling past transcriptions of his word salad to get to the comments!

As an environmental scientist i guess its time to throw in the towel for any hope of a career

Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

Yes, the trick is to run the celebrity as your candidate. What the Dems need now is a celebrity bigger than Trump. Their past indiscretions are not an issue, clearly. Not a hard bar to clear, but I suggest they go for the top of the A list.

I thought so too but it was after 2am, kid was probably struggling to stay awake.

“Haven’t you fools learned from our mistakes?”

Interesting point about the celebrity endorsements. Glad that model has been proven futile.

“Haven’t you fools learned from our mistakes?”

Except his Brown Shirts have Red Caps.