
That’s very grim. To think that a person elected “President of the United States” has a vindictive agenda right out of the gate is sickening. First is free press, then... as Pastor Martin Niemöller put it.

As a Jewish American, I couldn’t agree more.

I can only hope this will finally light a fire under the ass of liberals all over America. If anything, this has essentially shattered the two major parties. The GOP has fucked themselves for good with Trump. And I doubt anything could ever make the establishment/New Democrats take an introspective look at why they

Secretary of Big Macs, Chris Christie.

It’s great isn’t it?


Yeah, I’m a white male, and I’m also trying hard to break into the middle class. But I’m also an atheist, and I’m scared of everybody around me... This shit seems too weird to be true.

I wonder why your relationship dint work. I’m guessing youre not with her anymore. Sorry if I am assuming.

“But... but, muh feelings!”


Van jones has given just some amazing, impassioned, and moving speeches this year. the shame comes in in that he not only had to make those speeches, but that it is a desperate plea to the fucking retards that they sit to his right

I took my boys to drop off a ballot this morning. When they asked who I voted for, I stated Hillary because, while an economic liberal (read: Republican economic ideals), Donald Trump is a bad man because he breeds hatred, xenophobia, racism, and anger.

This is like being given the world’s easiest multiple choice question, and even after seeing Great Britain flub the answer, copy their answer and say you ‘won’.

White-lash, straight-lash, man-lash. 50 million just voted for a bigoted misogynist. The Supreme Court is now fucked for at least 10 years. Good bye Obamacare. Hello beachfront property in Orlando. Fuck you all.

Van Jones is going to be an important voice going forward I believe. And I totally agree with him. All you have to do is check the poll numbers and it’s clear the people that Trump reached, certainly not minorities. This is a sad night for the country and truly speaks to what the majority think is important.

I dont know about you gys buy Iam drunk and drawing Drew Magary.

Free speech my friend. Just as he had the right to say every despicable thing that dribbled from his fish mouth, he also must face the consequences of said free speech.

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