
Hope the exciting stuff is he dies and Kate Bishop shows up.

This translates to me as “Hawkeye dies.”

Meanwhile, Kara and James get roughed up in a new clip from tonight’s episode, “Crossfire.”

Somebody is going to get shot. Mark my words. Well, not in the sense that I’ll shoot somebody...but some loon is definitely going to take the loss hard.

I’ve already seen news segments about Trump supports arming up in the chance that Hillary wins, which is absolutely terrifying that we have people so radical in our own country and it really shows how truly scared they are when an innocent man holding a poster in peaceful protest is attacked and thrown out of a rally

I have a fun story!

I am vaguely reminded of the old Oilers, Gretzky and Messier and Kurri and Coffey and on and on and on. Defense? Fuck that. All we need is for Fuhr to let in fewer than we can put in the other net. What a gloriously fun match to watch.

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they’re certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing ...

Liverpool right now is the boat scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Complete with the insane driver.

I was gonna say- in my neck of the woods, they’re mostly 80+. I’m not super scared of them unless they are hoarding mines from WWII.

They will piss and moan about losing “their” country, and retreat back to the piece of land that grand pappy left them, in the foot hills of who gives a fuck. To shoot more old washing machines and practice badly trained militia fighting techniques, which would get them killed immediately in any real combat

I hope they do. I really, really hope that Trump’s asshole supporters actually do try armed insurrection. I will giggle with glee as I watch the news while we finally have a chance to legally purge this country of a pack of worthless shitbirds who should have been shot ages ago.

Well that, and once you amass a collection of hundreds of guns, you tend to spend a lot of time maintaining them. Who has time to shoot at people when there’s all these Yugoslavian 1911 clones to oil up?

Every car looks better with big DTM fenders and bigger wheels. It’s just that the PTG E36 is all sorts of awesome.

He keeps kicking like that and he could have a job in the NFL, you know, should this whole professional basketball player thing not pan out for him.

Most of them will be key board warriors, talking big on-line but knowing they aren’t Rambo and you can’t overthrow the government with your AR-15. But for the really dangerous ones it’s a bad time because law enforcement has gotten better at stopping domestic terror threats before someone can act.

The Pacers have a better kicker than some NFL teams.

But those old white men matter just as much as you or I or Hispanics...

But what if the Trump Army declares war?