
To be fair, DMCA basically shot the pop-mashup scene in the head, is cutting the remix scene in a million different ways, all for the benefit of the biggest labels. I get protecting artists, but remixers are artists, too, and could use some leeway.

<cribs basic design so I can develop it for an America's Cup contender>

OK. Fine.

2019 Ferrari PUs would have kept him in the mix and stolen some thunder. Alas, Ferrari are infernally fucked by their own design.

Because unlike Ferrari, Mercedes didn’t forget how to F1 properly and is a competently-run factory.

I’ve been using Newtype since maybe early 2018 MotoGP season in other forums and it works far better in my head than just saying “alien” or “elite”.

LIZ WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY HANDS!? Shades of Seb winning for ol’ Toro Rosso in ‘08, which means Pierre’s future is all set from here, baby. I knew he was elite talent. He’s made Olivier Panis proud today.


Yeah. It’s not like Intel who got thoroughly shown up in three years by an architecture, a design and a lineup that could apparently make a fool out of Skylake. They’ve only caught up just now, and even then damn near everyone already wants Ryzen anyway. With this pricing, Nvidia shows some respect to AMD and their

Part of me thinks that Nvidia dropped prices a day before this stream BECAUSE they knew at most two Radeon Big Navi cards will equal or surpass the 2080Ti for relative pennies (in price and TDP).

AMD Radeon just watched this and bit their entire fingers off. Not only is the pricing a direct blow to whatever they planned for Big Navi, the used market will also have relatively cheap Turing and Pascal cards that make their current stack a bad option by comparison. Unless they can leverage another aspect of

This would have been a good time to be part of Jalopnik. Alas, my college education in the Philippines is a full-time job for me now. But if I can contribute in some way (especially for ASEAN-related topics), I’ll let you know.

Ferrari: <sets itself on fire>

This is the most exposed HRC has been in their entire history, I think. And yes, I keep yapping about it all season, but it’s true. Honda has no other “great” rider other than him, at a time when even KTM and some satellite bikes have legitimate contenders rising up and proving their worth.

I’d reboot it, take the UNO out and most casual viewers won’t bat an eye. Except for the nerds who would inevitably find out the behind-the-scenes shit.

Only time a Chrysler-powered anything will win an Indy race

But not on the official channel, because understandably it’s a different calibre of crash to the ones we’re used to seeing.

You know what?

The 3990X is still hamstrung by the 256GB memory limit on the TRX40 motherboard (the only Achilles heel to an otherwise world-beating processor). Try the 3995WX, which, while only for system integrators, does have a higher memory cap.

Maybe he didn’t even realize just how close that was?