
And it’s not like they’re incapable of making a good-looking M6 four-door. They’ve clearly done it before, as seen here.

So: could the Switch run the remaster, or are we better off with a Pro Skater Ultra Edition that has the regular graphics but all of the “Pro Skater” titles?

Well, yeah, of course they can back it up. both Prost and Sebastien Loeb are arguably two of the greatest drivers in the world.

It puts some things to perspective to me, too. Video games went from quick low-tech thrills to near-simulated reality in that short a span. Film and TV took maybe double that in order to mature; radio is steadily waning today. Sure, it definitely benefitted from hardware advancements, but to have this storytelling

...thank you.

Shamelessly stolen because I’m uncreative:

It got me curious, which hasn’t happened in a long while (since like Alita or around that season).

Aye, indeed. I miss them repping a country with two ops, that's all.

Not just that: they're more like aiming to have 5 bans per side. Which is only feasible if the game has 100 or more CTUs. 

And still no ASEAN reps. ubi pls gib

I say it’s a mod that a Ryzen 9 can fight in a legendary battle.

It...doesn’t seem to be Riordan himself, but they better defer to him.

Super Formula is underrated. It’s also the fastest-lapping feeder series right now and the drivers also race tin-top silhouette GT cars in Super GT, which is simply the wildest racing you’ll ever see in the other side of the Pacific. And it just so happens that Jenson Button raced there, too.

The next two films might just make you, though.

God, a Switch port with whatever resolution is good enough.

Look, we’re talking about Nina motherfuckin’ass Struthers here. She’d drop five games that will release ON THE SAME DAY AS THE SHOW, introduce wacky gizmos that we’ve never seen before, kill some SOBs from her own board and do all that in the astral plane.

<opens game>

Also this is like not even the entire FF7 so we’ll just have to wait.

Or even better: have a Super Sentai team and their Power Rangers equivalent meet to take down a common threat.