What you really meant to say...

What you really meant to say was..."I'm going to string together a bunch of words and concepts in a vain attempt to appear smart, but it is really just word salad. Please disregard."

What you really meant to say was..."This was ultimately a bad show that squandered a ton of promise and a ton of talent. Wish it hadn't sucked."

What you really meant to say was..."Based on prior ridiculous things coaches have done in the name of recruiting I have a justifiable suspicion that Auriemma might have had ulterior motives in making such a call. College sports, where innocence goes to die."

What you really meant to say was..."It appears I know a guy who is a total, utter and clueless dick. How do I tell him this?"

That's my schtick pal, get your own.

What you really meant to say was..."Some group's civil rights are more important that others."

What you really meant to say was..."I enjoy using logical fallacies to show what a twat I am. Also I like non-gay Jackie Robinson."

What you really meant to say is you want to live in a society in which the state taking the life of a citizen should be done as an act of vengeance.