
Yeah. I hear you on that! I was devastated when my Gran died, she was my rock. Her 2nd husbands children called the very next day, like when’s the will gonna be read - need the money blablabla. I told them off, in words Gran would have been horrified I used, and advised them they get nothing. They got bank when their

I’m a little disappointed that you reduced the Natalie plot to a hooker with a heart of gold. She deftly explained her reasons for going down that route, in a way that made it clear she had almost total agency in her choices, and that her agency was taken cruelly from her, reducing her to a hole, someone that had to

It’s totally weird, because normal Steve is, well, Buscemi, but in Res Dogs, I just have the strangest lady boner for him. It’s hate boner, because he’s such a dick to the waitress, but a boner none the less.

I would be a dick to someone who told the entire world I was mental, too. Like, uhm, no dude. Honestly, Burt and Jon seem like two peas in a shit pod. This is all I got for those two.


I was super bummed that the plate my Dr put in my foot after I broke it a few years ago started shifting and causing me tremendous pain when I wore anything but my Nike’s. Then I realized- hey now I have valid, medical excuse not to wear heels. Score. Paid my co-pay, got a doctor’s note and dared the executives to

Your laces look like the strings on used tampons.

That was awesome.

I like her recipes, but I thought it was shitty when she couldn’t make time for the cancer kid whose wish was to spend some time cooking with her. Can’t quite look at her the same now. :(

Joining the chorus. You don’t owe us anything, but you’ve given me too much to let you go without at least me saying a heartfelt “Thank you!”. BCO has, oddly enough, saved my sanity on more than one occasion and if the rumors are true, your brand of snark and compassion will be missed. I hope I get to keep reading

Hot take:

Someone wrote that I needed to learn some manors.

Intensive purposes drives me up a GD wall(ah). It’s even taken over fiction. LIKE NO. NO. Just fucking NO.

Oh heck no. Feel no shame. You’re doing the lords work.

Oh sweet jesus. That last bit might have scarred me forever.

Huh. Phrasing is still a thing?

he’s supa hot.

Hey, those of us with difficult coworkers gotta stick together.

Here ya go. Imagine the coworkers are the spike and he’s hammering away at them.