
One of the craziest things I got my lady to say when I picked her up surprising her with a Viper I bought was, “Well this makes more sense than your last car...” If you buy a Lotus no matter how beautiful they are any car besides a caterham becomes practical. I just changed the perspective of the situation.

I’ve read through all the responses and I think my only question is does she actually know about the quality of the vehicle, or does she only care about the name. I’m one of the luckiest guys with my soon to be wife when it comes to cars though and this isn’t the case for everyone.

I don’t understand what your point is about air sorties vs SEAL stories. They aren’t similar and they can’t be compared. Having said that, Kinja’s editing rules are terrible.

But you’re still wrong. First, congrats on learning the bold next you can learn italics, and finally my favorite strikethrough. The guys you mentioned are a small sample. A few bad apples who realized they want fame more than honor. Those who serve in the spec warfare communities don’t look highly upon them. They are

You are correct. I posted the our chart. Every tactical jet in the Navy has 136 as the minimum nude weight. The 136 isn’t the issue. The issue is Martin Baker saying they could make 103 a realistic weight then realizing they can’t.

You’ll have a lot more dead pilots on your hands from HANS.

A brace wouldn’t work. When we go up there we need full range of motion in every direction for ACM. If you have a blindspot you are going to lose your mind. There are times where our inflatable life vests, sits around our neck, will make me lose my mind because I lose range of motion.

Ehh I’ve been 240 at times during training and I’m only 6’1 and always pass my height weight standards. Usually the bigger I am around 230 the better G tolerance I have. Having said that I’m usually around the 215 mark and find that it is a happy medium.

I’m confused. 136 isn’t lower than the NACES in the F-18. I believe you can get waived if you are close to it. The attached link is the anthro wave form as well as the limits. It is dated, but the numbers haven’t changed. My old roommate always bulked up for the flight screener before she selected rhinos. Here are the

Females. My flight school roommate was 5’3 120lbs. When we had to do weigh ins she would bulk up like crazy to make weight for the rhino. The situation is pretty common for females.

If only this as true. =)

The ANG are very professional. If it works like the Navy reserve air units you need to apply to the squadron. You aren’t placed their by orders. They only take accept the best. Most of the ANG crew were active duty pilots/wsos wanting a steadier life. Please don’t discredit what they do, how they train, or their

In 2001 an EP-3 crew went down on Hainan Island because of a Chinese air-interceptor. The incident was tense, but war didn’t break out. If another crash happens I’m not sure what would happen.

I got 30mpg in this no matter how I drove averaged over 6 months.

Remember we don’t want our heads getting smashed by a canopy that may blow back towards us once in the jet stream. On all our seats we have a breaker bar as the last ditch effort in case the charge doesn’t go off. Also if we are in an extreme emergency on the ground and need to egress quickly we blow the canopy and

You’re statement is dangerous. Remove the TDS out of the equation. You are implying you have news sources you trust because they report real news. Give some examples of theses. Every news outlet provides a different view on the news, which one can argue is fake or not. If you’re going to make such a bold statement

For the previous R models I agree. The 2015 R though is faster than the STi. Motortrend did a decent comparison and spec’d out the same the R is cheaper and a second faster on the track.

They come in 4 door. We have two of them.

Seems like a missed opportunity to use the song SAIL for the 3 millionth time in a youtube action video. Silly lexus.

The ol’ drunken duck