BaaBaa Black

So…this comment section does indeed exist.

Technically it was probability altering, but yeah.

Good analogy.

Referral Denied!

I think the Lioness series would probably work better as movies that possibly spin off into a TV show, mainly as I fear it would get turned into MTV's Shannara.

Game of Shadows and Queen of Cards both sound like shows i'd check out.

Kim was never married to Ray J, who she was in the sex tape with.

Two hour premiere Sept 16th.

Alternate Jace is probably the guy who snuck over to the show's reality.

I don't think Dutch has a problem with women, its just that she only interacts with women who have less than entirely pleasant plans for her crew, and she is fiercely protective of her crew as they are the closest thing she has to a family.

"The second season has three interesting female recurring characters!
But two of them are already dead, and the third probably will be by

The Dark Matter thing you refer to was more like them crew temporarily having their minds reverted to their past selves rather than their memories being returned, which would be why they couldn't remember anything that happened between the brain scan and their memories being reinstated.

It also asked an important question.

Yeah and….?

So…a therapist for zombies that needed Miracle Ear?

You're ignoring the word "practically". Practically non-existant means that it did in fact occur as a name for females. It being more common after Splash does not somehow invalidate it as an option pre-Splash.

Again I have to ask - does anyone actually have confirmation of their stance as being anti-lower income students or are you presuming you know their motivations?


No it isn't. Ghostbusters came out in the 80's. Jumanji is from the 90's.

I can buy into time warping itself to keep her hair flawless.