BaaBaa Black

"they can't really fuck with Trevor Noah this soon without it looking
like they made a mistake in selecting him over one of their

Her main role was 'angry cop/fed who talks shit to criminals once they're cuffed'. Beyond that the only thing she did of note was get stabbed and go crazy.

Yeah, I don't remember any members of the team dying on that spinoff.

Its pretty bizarre considering that crimes involving rape were never that frequent on the show, or at least not during his run as most of the eps i've seen are the syndicated repeats. Plenty of abductions and murders, also some stalking, but rape isn't what I would call CM's bread and butter.

No one misses Elle.

It makes the most sense really. Shes the only established character on any of the shows whose identity has yet to be defined beyond her story function. All the other recurring characters have had their sexuality defined on some level, and I don't think that the writers are up to explaining a change from any of them.

Initially I thought Thea on Arrow, but that might make her story a retread of Sara's in a way so probably not. Alex Danvers is the next best option since they haven't established much about her personal life beyond where it connects to Kara's life.

A NFL without NFL-level talent was bound to suck.

Highlander 2? This must be one of the alternate universe things.

Ah. I've seen that as a serious criticism before so I couldn't tell.

There's probably a restaurant somewhere that puts bacon in it.

Just let North Carolina have this one. Their only other thing is dumping vinegar on food.

Its cool. Her HIV will wipe that out in short order.

The pulp adventure is a substantial part of the good stuff.

Without that combination there would be no Fortunato.

Howler's death was pretty tame.

Double agree. I feel like Stephen Amell's arrow is a Yeoman expy in some ways.

Wild Cards isn't a super hero franchise.

The best part was when the song ended and everyone left Stevie Wonder on the stage by himself.

Its pretty messed up since they were apparently a couple with some issues.